JavaScript Basics
JavaScript Keywords
are reserved words
Your code editor will highlight (most) keywords
highlighted as blue
Never use reserved words as variable or function names
var var = function;
function var() {
var true = false;
var = true;
var return = var;
if( var === true ){
return return;
"containers" for data
really, they are Pointers (references) to data stored in Memory (RAM)
To define a new variable
use the keyword var
// define
var my_awesome_variable_name;
// access to change value
my_awesome_variable_name = "A literal value of type String";
// access to read value
console.log( my_awesome_variable_name );
// define and set value in one line
var some_numbers = [0,1,2,3,4,5];
Variable Name Rules
- contain only alphanumeric characters,
underscores, and dollar signs
(no other special characters) - must begin with a letter, $, or _
- are case sensitive
- must not be a reserved word
- cannot have any spaces
Multiple Word Variable Names
use camelCase to seperate words
var userName;
var firstName;
var lastName;
Data Types
- String
- Number
- Boolean
- Object
- Array
- null
- undefined
String Data Type
Syntax for Strings
// Strings are wrapped between double quotes
"Hello World"
// or single quotes
'Hello Solar System'
// wrap literal single quotes in double quotes
"Hello Local Interstellar Cloud, i'm fine"
// wrap literal double quotes in single quotes
'Hello "Local Bubble", how are you?'
// or escape double quotes with a backslash \
"Hello Orion's \"Arm\""
// or escape single quotes with a backslash \
'Hello Virgo\'s Supercluster'
// concatenate strings
"Observble" + "universe"
// concatenate with a space
"Observble" + " " + "universe"
Number Data Type
Syntax for Number
// Integer
// Floating Point Value
8.2e+2 // 820
8.2e-4 // 0.00082
// Octal (not in strict mode)
010 // 8
012 // 10
0755 // 493
// Hexadecimal
0xf // 15
0x10 // 16
0xDEADBEEF // 3735928559
// Not a Number
// Infinites
Boolean Data Type
Syntax for Boolean
// literals
// falsy
// truthy, any other value not in the falsy list
Null Data Type
has only one value, null
and it's type is Object
// literal
// set a previous value to no value
var empty = "mind";
empty = null;
empty === null // evaluates to true
undefined Data Type
when a variable doesn't exist, or hasn't been set
// literal
// create a variable with no value
var zed;
zed == undefined // true
typeof(zed) === "undefined" // true
Zero-based Index Storage
can store any data type inside of it.
Arrays are defined by the []
Arrays are zero-based index. Meaning the first value in an array is 0 and increments by 1 for each place after.
Arrays have methods that help you modify or access values within the array.
["Burger", "Burrito", "Sammich"]
[10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
["Burger", 231, {name: "Ray"}, null, undefined, []]
Accessing Values
var favoriteFoods = ["Burger", "Burrito", "Sammich"];
console.log( favoriteFoods[0] ); // "Burger"
var favoriteNumbers = [3, 56, 8, 0, 19];
console.log( favoriteFoods[ ? ] ); // ??
use bracket access notation
JavaScript Operators
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus
++ Increment
-- Decrement
JavaScript Operators
== equality
=== strict equality
!= inequality
!== strict inequality
&& logical AND
|| logical OR
Comparison and Logic
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
JavaScript Operators
= Assignment
+= Increment and Assign
-= Decrement and Assign
*= Multiply and Assign
/= Divide and Assign
%= Modulo and Assign
= is for assignment
== and === are for comparing equality
What happens when you do the following?
var mystery = "Bacon" + "Pancakes";
console.log(mystery); // ??
Using + with Strings will always result in a String as the final value.
var numberString = "Remember, Remember, The " + 5 + "th of November";
console.log( numberString ); // ??
"Remember, Remember, The 5th of November"
define a block statement to execute
grabs the flow of control to execute the defined block statement
function doesNothing(){ }
// function declaration
function greeting(){
console.log("Hello World");
// assigning function expression to a variable
var greeting = function(){
console.log("Hello World");
there are more but this is enough to server as a base
Arguments and Parameters
parameters are defined in order
only live within the scope of the function
must be a valid variable name
// declaring a function with two parameters
function add( a, b ){
return a + b;
// invoking the add function with two arguments
add( 1, 2 ); // 3
// assigning the return value of the function to a value
var sum = add( 1, 2 );
Return values
// not all functions return a value
function greeting(){
console.log("Hello World");
// functions can only return one time
// then "exits" the function
function createGreeting( name ){
return "Hello " + name;
return "Goodbye"; // function already returned, exited
console.log("I will never execute"); // this is true
// conditional return
function createGreeting( name, age ){
if( age < 32 ){
return "Hello " + name;
return "Hello Mr. " + name;
collection of key value pairs
Literal Objects
aka, Anonymous object
aka, Hash Table
aka, Associative Array
aka, Dictionary
// wrapped in open and closing curly braces
var basic_syntax = {};
// keys seperates value pairs separated by colons
var user = { name : "Jon" };
// keys can have special characters
var student = { "first & last name" : "Finn Human" };
// key value pairs are separated by commas
var color = {
red : 0,
green : 0x33,
blue : 0xFF,
getRGB : function(){
return ( << 16) + ( << 8) +
Accessing Object Properties
// access the "green" property of the "color" object
// using dot notation // 51
// as an associative array using array accessor square brackets
color["green"] // 51
var propertyName = "green";
color[propertyName] // 51
Assigning values to properties
var person = {}; = "Ray";
console.log( person ); // { name: "Ray" }
var person = {
name: "Ray"
Object may have been passed to you
function isLiving(human) {
human.isLiving = true;
return human;
var person = { name: "Ray" };
var updatedPerson = isLiving(person);
console.log( updatedPerson ); // { name: "Ray", isLiving: true }
JavaScript Expressions
produce a value and can be written wherever a value is expected.
// expressions produce a value
true // true
2 + 3 // 5
5 < 10 // true
add( 2, 3 ); // 5
function( base, increment ){} // [Function]
// can be used as an argument in a function call
add( 2, 4*2 ); // 10
// or in an if statement
if( add( 2, 4*2 ) === 10 ){
// true
Control Flow
the order that JavaScript interprets your code
// normal control flow
var foo = 1;
var bar = 2;
console.log( foo ); // 1
console.log( bar ); // 2
console.log( 3 ); // 3
console.log( 4 ); // 4
Control Flow
the flow of control can be manipulated
// drop in to function execution
function thief(){
console.log( bar ); // 2
console.log( 3 ); // 3
var foo = 1;
var bar = 2;
console.log( foo ); // 1
thief(); // takes control
// resume control
console.log( 4 ); // 4
Control Flow
the flow of control can be conditional
var bar = 2;
console.log( foo ); // 1
if( foo > 100 ){ // block statement does not run
console.log( bar );
console.log( 3 );
console.log( 4 ); // 4
Control Flow
the flow of control can be repeated
// for loop
for( var i=0; i<3; i++ ){
console.log( "statement "+i+" repeats 3 times" );
// while loop
var i = 0;
while( i < 3 ){
console.log( "statement "+i+" repeats 3 times" );
// do while loop
var k = 3;
console.log( "statement "+k+" runs once" );
}while( k < 3 );
Exception Handling
normal flow is disrupted by an error
// try will run execute the block statement
// and exit as soon as an exception is thrown
var humans = { pewDiePie : "PewDiePie" };
console.log("Attack pewDiePie");
delete humans.pewDiePie;
console.log("You cannot kill "+humans.pewDiePie);
// catch will execute the block statement
// if try throws an exception
var chuckNorris = "Chuck Norris";
console.log("Attack chuckNorris");
}catch(error){ // handle the exception
console.log("You cannot kill "+chuckNorris);
Throwing Errors
var humans = { pewDiePie : "PewDiePie" };
// throw your own exceptions
function kill( humanName ){
if( humanName === "Chuck Norris" ){
throw (new Error("You cannot kill "+humanName));
// exits function block statement
delete humans[humanName];
console.log("killed "+humanName);
kill("Chuck Norris");
// do something more useful, like run away!
js-basics (Dev League Prep)
By Ray Farias
js-basics (Dev League Prep)
Data Types, Control, Loops
- 4,529