Balancing Graphs Using Geometric Invariant Theory

Clayton Shonkwiler

Colorado State University


this talk!

SIAM Minisymposium on Interactions Among Analysis, Optimization, and Network Science

October 5, 2024

Joint Work With:

Tom Needham

Florida State University


National Science Foundation (DMS–2107700)

Normal Matrices


\(A \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\) is normal if \(AA^\ast = A^\ast A\).


\(0 = AA^\ast - A^\ast A = [A,A^\ast]\).

Define the non-normal energy \(\operatorname{E}:\mathbb{C}^{d \times d} \to \mathbb{R}\) by

\(\operatorname{E}(A) := \|[A,A^\ast]\|^2.\)

Obvious Fact.

The normal matrices are the global minima of \(\operatorname{E}\).

Theorem [with Needham]

The only critical points of \(\operatorname{E}\) are the global minima; i.e., the normal matrices.

Normal Matrices

\(\operatorname{E}\) is not quasiconvex!

Theorem [with Needham]

The only critical points of \(\operatorname{E}\) are the global minima; i.e., the normal matrices.

Gradient Descent

Let \(\mathcal{F}: \mathbb{C}^{d \times d} \times \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\) be negative gradient descent of \(\operatorname{E}\); i.e.,

\(\mathcal{F}(A_0,0) = A_0 \qquad \frac{d}{dt}\mathcal{F}(A_0,t) = -\nabla \operatorname{E}(\mathcal{F}(A_0,t))\).

Theorem [with Needham]

For any \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \mathcal{F}(A_0,t)\) exists, is normal, has the same eigenvalues as \(A_0\), and is real if \(A_0\) is.


\(\mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\) is symplectic, with symplectic form \(\omega_A(X,Y) = -\mathrm{Im}\langle X,Y \rangle = -\mathrm{Im}\mathrm{Tr}(Y^\ast X)\).

A symplectic manifold is a smooth manifold \(M\) together with a closed, non-degenerate 2-form \(\omega \in \Omega^2(M)\).

Example: \((\mathbb{R}^2,dx \wedge dy) = (\mathbb{C},\frac{i}{2}dz \wedge d\bar{z})\)

dx \wedge dy \left( \textcolor{12a4b6}{a \frac{\partial}{\partial x} + b \frac{\partial}{\partial y}}, \textcolor{d9782d}{c \frac{\partial }{\partial x} + d \frac{\partial}{\partial y}} \right) = ad - bc
(a,b) = a \vec{e}_1 + b \vec{e}_2 = a \frac{\partial}{\partial x} + b \frac{\partial}{\partial y}
(c,d) = c \vec{e}_1 + d \vec{e}_2 = c \frac{\partial}{\partial x} + d \frac{\partial}{\partial y}


\(\mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\) is symplectic, with symplectic form \(\omega_A(X,Y) = -\mathrm{Im}\langle X,Y \rangle = -\mathrm{Im}\mathrm{Tr}(Y^\ast X)\).

Consider the conjugation action of \(\operatorname{SU}(d)\) on \(\mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\): \(U \cdot A  = U A U^\ast\).

This action is Hamiltonian with associated momentum map \(\mu: \mathbb{C}^{d \times d} \to \mathscr{H}_0(d)\) given by

\(\mu(A) := [A,A^\ast]\).

So \(\operatorname{E}(A) = \|\mu(A)\|^2\).

Frances Kirwan

This kind of function is really nice!

Geometric Invariant Theory (GIT)

The GIT quotient consists of group orbits which can be distinguished by \(G\)-invariant (homogeneous) polynomials.

\(\mathbb{C}^* \curvearrowright \mathbb{CP}^2\)

\(t \cdot [z_0:z_1:z_2] = [z_0: tz_1:\frac{1}{t}z_2]\)

Roughly: identify orbits whose closures intersect, throw away orbits on which all \(G\)-invariant polynomials vanish.

\( \mathbb{CP}^2/\!/\,\mathbb{C}^* \cong\mathbb{CP}^1\)

Abelian Version

Let \(T \simeq \operatorname{U}(1)^{d-1}\) be the diagonal subgroup of \(\operatorname{SU}(d)\). The conjugation action of \(T\) on \(\mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\) is also Hamiltonian, with momentum map

\(A \mapsto \mathrm{diag}([A,A^\ast])\).

\([A,A^\ast]_{ii} = \|A_i\|^2 - \|A^i\|^2\), where \(A_i\) is the \(i\)th row of \(A\) and \(A^i\) is the \(i\)th column.

If \(A = \left(a_{ij}\right)_{i,j} \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}\) such that \(\mathrm{diag}([A,A^\ast]) = 0\), then \(\widehat{A} = \left(a_{ij}^2\right)_{i,j}\) is the adjacency matrix of a balanced multigraph.

Balancing Graphs

Define the unbalanced energy \(\operatorname{B}(A) := \|\mathrm{diag}([A,A^\ast])\|^2 = \sum \left(\|A_i\|^2 - \|A^i\|^2\right)^2\).

Let \(\mathscr{F}(A_0,0) = A_0, \frac{d}{dt}\mathscr{F}(A_0,t) = - \nabla \operatorname{B}(\mathscr{F}(A_0,t))\) be negative gradient flow of \(\operatorname{B}\).

Theorem (with Needham)

For any \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \mathscr{F}(A_0,t)\) exists, is balanced, has the same eigenvalues and principal minors as \(A_0\), and has zero entries whenever \(A_0\) does.

If \(A_0\) is real, so is \(A_\infty\), and if \(A_0\) has all non-negative entries, then so does \(A_\infty\).

This is “local”: \(a_{ij}\) is updated by a multiple of \((\|A_j\|^2-\|A^j\|^2)-(\|A_i\|^2-\|A^i\|^2)\).

Balancing Graphs

Theorem (with Needham)

For any \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \mathscr{F}(A_0,t)\) exists, is balanced, has the same eigenvalues and principal minors as \(A_0\), and has zero entries whenever \(A_0\) does.

If \(A_0\) is real, so is \(A_\infty\), and if \(A_0\) has all non-negative entries, then so does \(A_\infty\).

Balancing Graphs

Theorem (with Needham)

For any \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \mathscr{F}(A_0,t)\) exists, is balanced, has the same eigenvalues and principal minors as \(A_0\), and has zero entries whenever \(A_0\) does.

If \(A_0\) is real, so is \(A_\infty\), and if \(A_0\) has all non-negative entries, then so does \(A_\infty\).

Balancing Graphs

Theorem (with Needham)

For any \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \mathscr{F}(A_0,t)\) exists, is balanced, has the same eigenvalues and principal minors as \(A_0\), and has zero entries whenever \(A_0\) does.

If \(A_0\) is real, so is \(A_\infty\), and if \(A_0\) has all non-negative entries, then so does \(A_\infty\).



Balancing Graphs

Theorem (with Needham)

For any \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \mathscr{F}(A_0,t)\) exists, is balanced, has the same eigenvalues and principal minors as \(A_0\), and has zero entries whenever \(A_0\) does.

If \(A_0\) is real, so is \(A_\infty\), and if \(A_0\) has all non-negative entries, then so does \(A_\infty\).

Balancing Graphs

Theorem (with Needham)

For any \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \mathscr{F}(A_0,t)\) exists, is balanced, has the same eigenvalues and principal minors as \(A_0\), and has zero entries whenever \(A_0\) does.

If \(A_0\) is real, so is \(A_\infty\), and if \(A_0\) has all non-negative entries, then so does \(A_\infty\).

Preserving Weights

By doing gradient flow \(\overline{\mathscr{F}}\) on the unit sphere, we can preserve weights:

Theorem (with Needham)

For any non-nilpotent \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\) with \(\|A\|^2=1\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \overline{\mathscr{F}}(A_0,t)\) exists, is balanced, has Frobenius norm 1, and has zero entries whenever \(A_0\) does.

If \(A_0\) is real, so is \(A_\infty\), and if \(A_0\) has all non-negative entries, then so does \(A_\infty\).

Preserving Weights

By doing gradient flow \(\overline{\mathscr{F}}\) on the unit sphere, we can preserve weights:

Theorem (with Needham)

For any non-nilpotent \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\) with \(\|A\|^2=1\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \overline{\mathscr{F}}(A_0,t)\) exists, is balanced, has Frobenius norm 1, and has zero entries whenever \(A_0\) does.

If \(A_0\) is real, so is \(A_\infty\), and if \(A_0\) has all non-negative entries, then so does \(A_\infty\).

Preserving Weights

By doing gradient flow \(\overline{\mathscr{F}}\) on the unit sphere, we can preserve weights:

Theorem (with Needham)

For any non-nilpotent \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\) with \(\|A\|^2=1\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \overline{\mathscr{F}}(A_0,t)\) exists, is balanced, has Frobenius norm 1, and has zero entries whenever \(A_0\) does.

If \(A_0\) is real, so is \(A_\infty\), and if \(A_0\) has all non-negative entries, then so does \(A_\infty\).

Preserving Weights

By doing gradient flow \(\overline{\mathscr{F}}\) on the unit sphere, we can preserve weights:

Theorem (with Needham)

For any non-nilpotent \(A_0 \in \mathbb{C}^{d \times d}\) with \(\|A\|^2=1\), the matrix \(A_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} \overline{\mathscr{F}}(A_0,t)\) exists, is balanced, has Frobenius norm 1, and has zero entries whenever \(A_0\) does.

If \(A_0\) is real, so is \(A_\infty\), and if \(A_0\) has all non-negative entries, then so does \(A_\infty\).


Thank you!


Fusion frame homotopy and tightening fusion frames by gradient descent

Tom Needham and Clayton Shonkwiler

Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 29 (2023), no. 4, 51


Three proofs of the Benedetto–Fickus theorem

Dustin Mixon, Tom Needham, Clayton Shonkwiler, and Soledad Villar

Sampling, Approximation, and Signal Analysis (Harmonic Analysis in the Spirit of J. Rowland Higgins), Stephen D. Casey, M. Maurice Dodson, Paulo J. S. G. Ferreira and Ahmed Zayed, eds., Birkhäuser, Cham, 2023, 371–391


See also

Balancing Graphs Using Geometric Invariant Theory

By Clayton Shonkwiler

Balancing Graphs Using Geometric Invariant Theory

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