API's are eating software

web services

more & more applications are created today
using third-party web services
(Google maps, Facebook authentication,...)

web services

can be integrated into your application
thanks to their API (application programming interface)

web services

already widely tested & acclaimed
for their 
usability & functionality

Stripe (payment)

Olark (live chat)

MailChimp (e-mailing)


by "exposing" some of its internal functions,
usually only a specific set of features,
like requests for some data 

an application programming interface (API)
is a set of requirements 
that govern
how one application can interact with the rest of the software world

web services

  • social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,...)
  • maps (Google Maps, Open Street Maps,...)
  • user authentication (Facebook, Twitter, Google,...)
  • paiement (Stripe, PayPal,...)
  • pictures upload (Amazon S3,...)

web services

  • factoring out some common components/technology (mail delivery, for instance)
  • hkjhkjhkjh

API : window to (other) app's

API : window to (other) app's

In 2011... 

"Software is eating the world"

- Marc Andreessen

In 2014...

"API's are eating software"

- Nicolas Dessaigne

API : window to (other) app's

API : window to (other) app's

  • Some practical landing tips

  • Be prepared

  • before launching your idea / product / service
  • on the market 
  • target audience clearly defined
  • 1 clear action you want them to complete
  • success metrics trackers in place
  • content

  • 1 catchy/striking headline
  • 1 explicite subheadwith your unique value proposition (UVP) 
  • 1 simple call-to-action (CTA)
  • 1 images rather than a long text to set the context
  • message & keywords
  • consistent & coherent
  • + tested & selected
  • previously with adWords
  • design

  • focus attention on CTA with color contrast, encapsulation frame, space,...
  • 1 single button to click on : the one with your CTA on it
  • fully-responsive layout
  • fully-scrollable content & thumb-friendly buttons/links
  • many more tips here : GoodUI
  • work gradually

  • start minimal
  • and then test adding things one by one
  • to understand how they impact your conversion rate
  • Now let's code !

  • Prerequisites : dev' tool belt

  • to work efficiently
  • opened
  • simultanuously
  • Prerequisites : safety net

  • version control
  • git
  • to modify, collaborate & work on remote safely 
  • collaboration platform 
  • GitHub
  • Prerequisites : basic knowledge

  • content
  • + structure 
  • to customize front-end code
  • style
  • dynamism 
  • + usability 
  • set up the front-end template

  • selected & downloaded from WrapBootstrap
  • set up your safety net

  • on your terminal (with git) & on GitHub
  • customize content & design

  • of your landing page
  • add background image to contextualize
  • modify logo
  • modify headline
  • modify subhead
  • modify call-to-action on button
  • reset countdown
  • Add useful api's

  • MailChimp
  • (to manage contacts & send e-mails)

  • Olark
  • (to offer live support )
  • Negative Captcha

  • Don't !
  • Do !
  • to priviledge humans on robots
  • monitor your landing page

  • analytics tools

  • analytics tools

  • analytics tools

  • KISSmetrics (who's doing what)
  • Monetate (personnalized tracking)
  • Unbounce (A/B testing)
  • and many more
  • break down conversion into its many steps and elements
  • => allow micro-optimization of micro-conversions
  • (only worths the price if critical mass attained)
  • beyond conversion

  • Do not develop conversion obsession ! ^^
  • Some visitors will only come for :
  • browsing products/services "serendipidly" 
  • finding information (contact details, opening hours,...)
  • => make all journeys on your site as pleasant as possible also !
  • Thank you

  • See you soon !


By shows


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