Tattoo Butler
Connecting customers with the best Artists in the
Quality: Customers have walked in to Tattoo shops thinking they are in good hands but instead got an ugly tattoo.
Time: In order for a prospect fo find an Artist they have to drive around to find the right one for their needs.
Price: For many customers this is an important subject when looking to get a tattoo.
An online platform where customers can connect with the best Tattoo artists in their local area. They can view Artist portfolios and read reviews from previous customers. They can also set their own budget and schedule their appointment online.
MArket Size
- Over 2 billion spent on Tattoos in the USA alone
- Over 15 thousand tattoo shops in the USA
- Over 100 thousand Tattoo Artists in the USA
- Atleast 21% of Americans have a Tattoo
Our Platform
Artist Search Project Search Scheduling!
Business Model
We take 15% fee for each transaction
(After building up customer base we will introduce subscription packages)
- Average Tattoo is around $200 ( $30 profit per User)
- 1000 X 30= $30,000
- There are over 19 thousand cities in the US so we can only imagine the potential for this market.
At the moment we are the only Website that offers all the services I have mentioned.
- 1st to come to market with this idea
- Easy to use
- Experienced in SEO and PPC marketing
Tattoo Butler Pitch Deck.
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