Security in the wild
Being at the top of the food chain
Who Am I
Renato Rodrigues - @simpsOn - //
The world as we know it
Facing the world
Survival mode
The world as we know it
Implementation of new features
New technology hype(s)
Distorted notion of time
New issues arise every day
Security is not part of the process!
Facing the world
Software Dev. Life Cycle
Who is going to use the system?
How will they use the system?
What data should be input into the system?
What data should be output by the system?
Requirement Specification document
Product Team
Security Perceptions
Security Work
System Design helps in:
- specifying hardware and system requirements;
- defining the overall system architecture (interactions, structures, technologies,...).
Implementation and Support Documentation
Architecture Teams
Security Perceptions
Security Work
The work is divided into modules/units and actual coding is started. During this phase, the code should be the developer's main focus.
Real Product
Development Teams
Security Perceptions
Security Work
After code development, it is necessary to test it against the requirements to verify that the product addresses the needs collected during the requirements stage.
Product Validation!
QA Teams
Security Perceptions
Security Work
Cross Initiatives
Security Clinics
Security in SCRUM
Security Champions
Security Clinics
- Current sprint User stories/tasks;
Do a quick threat model.
What is the roadmap;
Anticipate potential weaknesses.
- If there are known issues to be addressed, what is the status?
Check if they need help to fix it!
- Show something cool and give them a Security Update!
Talk about:
Fortnightly meetings to catch up on the teams’ work
Security in SCRUM
Try to detect and eliminate vulnerabilities as early as possible in the development lifecycle.
Security Champions
Are advocates of security inside the team and point of contact for the solution;
The champions have a good understanding of the technology, an interest in ensuring better security for the team's product;
They are a key point on the road to SSDLC;
Act as a bridge between domains.
After successful testing, the product can finally be delivered/deployed to the customer.
Live to the world!
DevOps Teams
Security Perceptions
Security Work
S. Software Dev. Life Cycle
Thank you for your time!
Renato Rodrigues - @simpsOn - //
Security in the wild - Being at the top of the food chain
By Renato Rodrigues
Security in the wild - Being at the top of the food chain
Presentation for Porto Testers Meetup Conf18.
- 2,835