CSS, BootstraP, GITHUB... oh my!

Ads+Data Design Offsite 2014

Tech Excellence

Technology is the medium that brings your designs to life.

Know your medium!

Technology as your medium

  • Introduction to CSS
  • Git basics
  • Ads+Data Bootstrap overview


The basics.

What is CSS?

  • A hierarchical system of styles that get applied to HTML

CSS: What does it look like?

h1 {
    font-size: 24px;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-transform: uppercase;

CSS TErminology


CSS is composed of style "rules"

Let's focus on selector

  • Describes what's being styled

What can I style?

  • HTML tags
  • Classes and IDs
  • Pseudo classes

Blending with Html

div {
    background: Red;

h1 {
    color: White;

      I'm John Doe...

Html Tags

Select every paragraph element and make the font-size: 15px.

p {
    font-size: 15px;

Select every image element and make them 500 x 500 height.

img {
    width: 500px;
    height: 500px;

Every element? What if I want to control a specific element?

Classes and IDs

  • "Class" and "ID" are HTML attributes
  • Attributes "describe" elements and are followed by values

<p id="intro">This is an intro paragraph.</p>

<span class="warning">Warning!</span>

IDs Vs Classes

  • ID: An ID can only be used once on a page. Refers to a singular page element (like a header)
  • Class: Lots of elements can have the same class, e.g. There can be multiple instances of spans with a class of "warning".

#intro {
    property: value;

.warning {
    property: value;

An ID name is preceeded by a pound "#" sign

A class name is preceeded by a period "." sign


  • Describes a "current condition" of an HTML element, rather than an "attribute".
  • Link pseudo classes are the most common

a:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;

This styles a link to have a hover with an underline

Link Pseudo Classes

a:link // unvisited link
a:visited // visited link
a:hover // hover link
a:active // activated link

Compound Selectors

Combine selectors if you want to get specific

p.warning a {
    property: value;

Selects all link elements in a paragraph with class .warning

More on specificity

That box Model


Version Control AWesomeness


Well first, what is Git?  Git is a version control system used to record and track the files of your project.

Okay, Now Can you Tell Me About Github?

Github is a suite of tools that makes using git much, much easier.

Cloud Storage • Apps • Community

Github terminology

  • Repository - Your "folder" of project files.
  • Commit - Snapshot of changes made to 1 or more files.
  • PushThe act of sending your committed changes to a remote repository such as GitHub.com.
  • Diff - The difference in changes between two commits, or saved changes. The diff will visually describe what was added or removed from a file since its last commit.

Fork, Branch, Clone

  • Fork - A personal copy of another user's repository that lives on your account. 
  • Branch - A parallel version of a repository.
  • Clone - The act of copying a repository from a remote server to your local computer.


  • Pull - The act of downloading changes from a remote repository.

  • Pull Request - Use a PR to present your changes and propose that work to be incorporated into the repo.

How to get started

Go to a Github Repository


Clone it

  • This makes a copy of the repository on your computer

Make a tweak

Commit Your Changes and Publish!

Ads+Data Bootstrap

Our Structure

Based on Twitter Bootstrap

  • Popular open-source framework
  • Easily customized
  • Useful features (Grid System, Forms, SASS)

SASS in A nutshell

  • Adds variables, mixins, and other goodies
  • Uses familiar "CSS-like" syntax
  • Compiles down to vanilla CSS, readable by all browsers

Sass is a framework that adds more functionality to vanilla CSS

Color Variables

Don't repeat yourself :)

h1 {
    font-color: #F0F0F0;
    text-transform: uppercase;

.bg {
    background-color: #F0F0F0;
    font-weight: bold;
$primary-color: #F0F0F0;

h1 {
    font-color: $primary-color;
    text-transform: uppercase;

.bg {
    background-color: $primary-color;
    font-weight: bold;

"Plain" CSS



Feeling ambitious? Get your machine setup, and start contributing to our theme today!

Start learning CSS!

CSS References

Web Platform • Mozilla • CanIUse • CodeAcadamy

CSS, Bootstrap, Github... Oh My!

By Sam Mueller

CSS, Bootstrap, Github... Oh My!

  • 2,342