Web3D Cultural and Natural Heritage Working Group

SIGGRAPH 2015, August


Sandy Ressler @sressler

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Working Group is "Official"

Now What??


  • requirements
  • technologies
  • appearance
  • metadata
  • behavior

Concrete Tasks Need

to be Defined

  • annotation tool(s)
  • viewpoint walkthroughs (tours)
  • X3D production paths

Tasks are in context (scope) of Web3D Consortium

  • Annotations - pointing to specific subsets of the geometry;
  • Viewpoint dependent information
  • High quality color manipulation
  • Walkthroughs/Guided tours
  • Authoring tool for all above

More Tasks and larger efforts:


  • Feature/Additions to spec
    • material properties
      • audio?
    • x3d archival or presentation
  • quality
  • metadata for notes/source
  • point to EU CIDOC-CRM standard?
  • shape searching (3D object retrieval)

First meeting at Web3D 2015 (Crete)

  • Dieter Fellner - Fraunhofer: large scale 3D aquisition
  • Fone Kuijk - CWI: virtual environments / games
  • Stuart Anderson - CSIRO: natural bio scanning 
  • Sam Parfano - EDF: reverse engineering
  • Michal Foti - Italy: church model
  • Don Brutzman - NPS
  • Felix Hamza-Lup - Armstrong U:
  • Carol Desprat - Touluse France: sound properties
  • Amada Sadagiz - NPS: educational applications
  • Krysztof Walczak - Poznan U of Econ: ARC

CSIRO Insect Digitization

Sample Insects X3DOM

NRC Digization of Mona Lisa

Fraunhofer IGD CultLab 3D

Smithsonian - Scanning the President

Virginia Tech - Smithsonian

Why Web3D Consortium

  • 3D Archival Standard
  • REAL ISO standards
  • The Web is humanities greatest invention for the dissemination of information, so let's use it!


  • Yale: http://web.library.yale.edu/3d-objects
  • X3DOM modelconvert: https://github.com/x3dom/pipeline/
  • openGLAM http://openglam.org/ Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums
  • 3d.si.edu
  • Google Cultural Institute 
  • https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/u/0/home

How can You Help

  • mailing list: heritage@web3d.org
  • twitter feed: @Web3DConsortium
  • propose a project
  • join the WG

The End

Cultural and Natural Heritage WG Intro SIGGRAPH

By Sandy Ressler

Cultural and Natural Heritage WG Intro SIGGRAPH

Intro to the Cultural and Natural Heritage Working Group of the Web3D Consortium (SIGGRAPH 2015)

  • 1,829