Web3D 2015

20 Year History

#VRML V1.0 ascii
#House of Immersion Revision History
# 11/9/95 validated - Sandy
Separator {
    Separator {
        DEF Viewer Info {
            string "walk"
        DEF Title Info { string "The House of Immersion" }
        DEF SceneInfo Info {
"The VRML House of Immersion was created by:
Sandy Ressler (still at NIST)
Christine Piatko (at NIST)
it was based on the original Virtus Walkthrough
and Inventor versions by:
Sharon Davison (now at Microsoft)
Mark Pflaging  (now at GWU)
Alan Sun (now at MIT).

In the beginning...

VRML Mailing List (1995): 

Mark Pesce (mpesce@netcom.com)
Brian Behlendorf (brian@wired.com)

Mark Pesce

Tony Parisi

Early History

11-FEB-94 Labyrinth Mark Pesce & Tony Parisi & Peter Kennard
??-MAR-94 Dave Raggett coins the term VRML in paper submitted to WWW1
25-MAY-94 WWW1 - Mark Pesce gives Cyberspace paper on Labyrinth & VRML BOF#1
10-JUN-94 Brian Behlendorf & Mark Pesce set up www-vrml mailing list
XX-AUG-94 SIGGRAPH meeting, followed by voting WebOOGL/Inventor voting
24-OCT-94 W2 VRML 1.0 based on Inventor @@/www-vrml/arch/0458.html
02-NOV-94 VRML 1.0 draft #1 released @@/VRML1.0/vrml10c.html
 5-JAN-95 QvLib released from SGI - Gavin Bell
03-APR-95 SGI, TGS announce Webspace. 13 companies support VRML
10-MAR-95 3D Symposium VRML meeting: Don Brutzman
20-APR-95 VRML FAQ put up - YON was at oki.com
 6-APR-95 VRML repository Dave Nadeau, Jim Moreland www.sdsc.edu/vrml/
26-MAY-95 VRML 1.0 "final draft" features frozen (see vrml10c.html)
27-MAY-95 VRML Arc Gallery - the first tangible collection of VRML.  [
sigh, vrml.arc.org is gone - look for crumbs at Construct.net]
13-JUN-95 Intervista released WorldView, Tony Parisi
 2-AUG-95 WebFX - Paper Software Mike McCue, Greg Scallan, Jim Dunn++
XX-AUG-95 SIGGRAPH 95 VRML course & first demo SIG, VAG announced.
23-AUG-95 VAG1 - layout plan for VRML1.1 & VRML2.0 [photos]
23-OCT-95 VAG2 - VRML 1.1 proposal from SGI blurs into VRML2.0
13-DEC-95 VRML95 - VRML's first conference. Hosted by SDSC.
 4-JAN-96 RFP - Request for Proposals http://www.vrml.org/vag/rfp.html
12-FEB-96 Netscape buys Paper, WebFX becomes Live3D
 6-FEB-96 VAG3 - proposals from SGI, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, GMD & Sun
25-MAR-96 VAG4 - pick MW, schedule drafts to SIGGRAPH (meet with ISO)
18-APR-96 Moving Worlds VRML 2.0 draft #1
 6-AUG-96 SIGGRAPH 96 (VAG5) VRML 2.0 released; VRMLC germinates; Live3d 
12-DEC-96 Last VAG meeting - http://vag.vrml.org/vag/vag6.html
??-DEC-96 VRMLC becomes incorporated - 54 companies paying dues.
??-FEB-97 SGI & Netscape Live3D->CosmoPlayer (Michael Plitkins)
23-FEB-97 VRML97 2nd VRML Conference, elected VRMLC VRB & BoD MEETINGS
 4-APR-97 VRML97 DIS Rikk Carey, Gavin Bell, Chris Marrin!
XX-AUG-97 SIGGRAPH97  VRMLC press release, ...
24-OCT-97 MPEG4 + VRML Ad Hoc meeting.
??-DEC-97 ISO blessing VRML97 - fastest trip thru ISO ever!
...VRML98 here we come.

1995 VRML 1.0 Final Draft

1995 VRML 1.0

1996 Netscape buys Paper

1997 SGI -> CosmoPlayer

1997 ISO blessing VRML 97, fastest trip through ISO ever!

VRML 95 - San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)


(c) Yukio Andoh


Web3D RoundUP

Web3D 2001

Web3D 2001

virtual cowboy emcee

- Timothy Childs

Web3D 2001

Web3D 2001 (Paderborn Germany)

Web3D 2003 (France)




Demo or Die


Web3D 2005 (Wales)



Web3D 2013 (Spain)

Web3D 2013 (Spain)


Old pubs

Lot of books back then

VRML Dream - Live Performance (1998)

A little Floops



Copyright 1997 Protozoa Inc.

Created using Protozoa's ALIVE!

For more information, please contact:
Protozoa Inc.
San Francisco, CA

Floops Interactive (Season 3, 41-65)
Commissioned by Andres Wydler of SGI

Steve Rein (Creative Director, Head Writer, Add'l. Models)
Emre Yilmaz (Director, Puppeteer/Animator, Co-Writer, Digital Puppet Builder, Add'l. Models) 
Terry Franguiadakis (Technical Director, Vrml Scripting and Interactivity)
T. Reid Norton (Sound Effects) 
Eric Bergmann (Voice of Floops)
Bay Raitt (Floops Design and Modeling)
Tracey Roberts (Additional Modeling) 
Mike Morasky, Eric Gregory, Shane Cooper (Technical Assistance)
Brad DeGraf (Protozoa President / Head Visionary)

Created using ALIVE!

That's all folks..now Eat!

Web3D 2015 - 20 Year History

By Sandy Ressler

Web3D 2015 - 20 Year History

Pre anniversary dinner material/entertainment in June, in Crete Greece

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