Web3D 2015 Showcase
It's All Greek To Me!
emcee: Sandy Ressler
emcee: Sandy Ressler
Early History
11-FEB-94 Labyrinth Mark Pesce & Tony Parisi & Peter Kennard ??-MAR-94 Dave Raggett coins the term VRML in paper submitted to WWW1 25-MAY-94 WWW1 - Mark Pesce gives Cyberspace paper on Labyrinth & VRML BOF#1 10-JUN-94 Brian Behlendorf & Mark Pesce set up www-vrml mailing list XX-AUG-94 SIGGRAPH meeting, followed by voting WebOOGL/Inventor voting 24-OCT-94 W2 VRML 1.0 based on Inventor @@/www-vrml/arch/0458.html 02-NOV-94 VRML 1.0 draft #1 released @@/VRML1.0/vrml10c.html 5-JAN-95 QvLib released from SGI - Gavin Bell 03-APR-95 SGI, TGS announce Webspace. 13 companies support VRML 10-MAR-95 3D Symposium VRML meeting: Don Brutzman 20-APR-95 VRML FAQ put up - YON was at oki.com 6-APR-95 VRML repository Dave Nadeau, Jim Moreland www.sdsc.edu/vrml/ 26-MAY-95 VRML 1.0 "final draft" features frozen (see vrml10c.html) 27-MAY-95 VRML Arc Gallery - the first tangible collection of VRML. [ sigh, vrml.arc.org is gone - look for crumbs at Construct.net] 13-JUN-95 Intervista released WorldView, Tony Parisi 2-AUG-95 WebFX - Paper Software Mike McCue, Greg Scallan, Jim Dunn++ XX-AUG-95 SIGGRAPH 95 VRML course & first demo SIG, VAG announced. 23-AUG-95 VAG1 - layout plan for VRML1.1 & VRML2.0 [photos] 23-OCT-95 VAG2 - VRML 1.1 proposal from SGI blurs into VRML2.0 13-DEC-95 VRML95 - VRML's first conference. Hosted by SDSC. 4-JAN-96 RFP - Request for Proposals http://www.vrml.org/vag/rfp.html 12-FEB-96 Netscape buys Paper, WebFX becomes Live3D 6-FEB-96 VAG3 - proposals from SGI, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, GMD & Sun 25-MAR-96 VAG4 - pick MW, schedule drafts to SIGGRAPH (meet with ISO) 18-APR-96 Moving Worlds VRML 2.0 draft #1 6-AUG-96 SIGGRAPH 96 (VAG5) VRML 2.0 released; VRMLC germinates; Live3d 12-DEC-96 Last VAG meeting - http://vag.vrml.org/vag/vag6.html ??-DEC-96 VRMLC becomes incorporated - 54 companies paying dues. ??-FEB-97 SGI & Netscape Live3D->CosmoPlayer (Michael Plitkins) 23-FEB-97 VRML97 2nd VRML Conference, elected VRMLC VRB & BoD MEETINGS 4-APR-97 VRML97 DIS Rikk Carey, Gavin Bell, Chris Marrin! XX-AUG-97 SIGGRAPH97 VRMLC press release, ... 24-OCT-97 MPEG4 + VRML Ad Hoc meeting. ??-DEC-97 ISO blessing VRML97 - fastest trip thru ISO ever! ...VRML98 here we come.
On with the show!
Our Brave Presentors
- Johannes Behr - Fraunhoffer - something amazing
- Bonita Saunders - NIST, Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
- Kristian Sons - DFKI
- Mike McCann - MBARI
- Nick Polys - Va Tech
- Felix Hamza-Lup -Armstrong State
- Hannes Grauler, Fredrik Hilling - Onesbrok
- Athanasos Malmos - Heriklion
- Alexander Apollon Rodopoulos - TEI: hanim ragdoll
- Dirk Tilger - indoorview
- Alun Evans - Barcelona world race
- Max Limper - Fraunhofer: open source cad/mesh optimization
- Stuart Anderson - CSIRO: 3D Insect scan and display
- Michalis Kamburelis - compositing tech
- Michele Foti - church reconstruction, cultural heritage
- Tobias Alexander Franke - Unity export
Web3D Roundup 2015
By Sandy Ressler
Intro material for the Web3D 2015 Showcase in June, in Crete Greece
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