X3D and Open Standards


by Sandy Ressler

co-Vice President Web3D Consortium

National Institute of Standards and Technology


March 25, Virginia Tech



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  • Why Bother with Standards
  • The Standards Process
  • Web Browser as Universal Publishing Medium
  • WebGL for Universal 3D Content
  • Future

Big Picture - Why Standards?

  • Standards contribute more to economic growth than patents and licenses
  • Standards play a strategic significance to companies
  • Companies that participate actively in standards work have a head start on their competitors in adapting to market demands
  • Research risks and development costs are reduced for companies contributing to the standardization process
  • Business that are actively involved in standards work more frequency reap short and long term benefits with regard to costs and competitive status than those who do not participate
  • Participating in standards development enables one to anticipate technology standardization thereby facilitating one’s products progress simultaneously with technology
  • Standards are a positive stimulus for innovation

Source: Highlights of a study by DIN (German Standards Institute) and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Technology (IEEE Think Standards)


Standards Boost Business Campaign 

  • more about standards and conformity assessment
  • tools and studies from the standardization community
  • Elevator Pitch to aid you in communicating the need for a robust standards and conformance program to the executives in your:
    • Company
    • Government Agency
    • Organization

Time is Relative 

  • 5 years in software is 10 generations
  • 5 years in a museum setting is just getting warmed up

Your Archival Content should be stored in a Standard format


  • your content is "archival"
  • your content is very expensive to create
  • care about interoperability

Not so good

  • you have a unique user interface need
  • want the latest and greatest technology



Takes (a long) time

Excuse me but there are some 3D objects in my web pages!!!


X3D the Standard

  • ISO/IEC IS 19775-1:2013
  • REAL formal standard - not defacto
  • Big win - content longevity
  • Downside - agonizingly long to formalize (sometimes market bypasses)

Web Browser as Universal Publishing Medium

  • If you want the widest possible audience..put it on the Web
  • If you want exposure via mobile devices..put it on the Web, and make sure the site is responsive

WebGL for Universal 3D Content

  • WebGL is GL with web wrappers
  • WebGL supported by most browsers and most mobile devices
  • WebGL led by Khronos Group (standardization/conformance is good thing)
  • ALL platforms..mobile,desktop,immersive


JSBIN demos/examples

NOT a special graphics editor!!



Continued Standards Improvements

More Ubiquity

Support for Archival Content

VR -> WebVR

exciting times! (again)



I'vd upped by standards. Now, up yours. - Pat Paulson

When I helped to develop the open standards that computers use to communicate with one another across the Net, I hoped for but could not predict how it would blossom and how much human ingenuity it would unleash.
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X3D and Open Standards

By Sandy Ressler

X3D and Open Standards

standards what are they good for

  • 1,801