a few helpful digital teaching tools
Learned so far
- Live, remote hans-on training is hard
- Remote hands-on has to be MUCH simpler than in-person
- Pre-recorded material (lectures, walk-throughs, tutorial docs), supported by frequent live office hours availability is probably the way to go
- Free tier
- Super Easy Editing
- Mobile Phone Remote & Notes Feature
- Embed almost anything
- Easy to share
- Live Slides Feature!!!
- iPhone can be used as a Webcam!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWvrPAZQ-pc - Older webcams or your iphone make great document cams:
- Avoid Backlighting, get a cheap ringlight if you can to avoid looking like a witness protection video.
- At the very least, invest in a headset, so that the microphone is always the same distance from your mouth for consistent audio. Probably the easiest option.
- Condenser Microphones - Excellent dynamic range and sensitivity. I use a Blue Yeti (link)
- Require some sound dampening (reducing keyboard noise, desk noise, etc...) I've put everything on felt pads or coasters.
- Might be overly sensitive, if you have lively children
- Be sure to test your sound settings (gain, levels, etc...) by RECORDING a short session (in zoom) with several minutes of varied speech. If you are using higher end microphones, it is easier to get your sound levels too high .
- Already mentioned some mobile software for turning iphones into webcams
- OBS Studio is a bit higher-end.
- Create "Scenes" with various camera setups
- save "profiles" for public vs internal, etc...
- loads of effects and features to create banners, use greenscreen, etc...
Probably more technically involved setup than most are interested in, but may make an interesting basae software for a shared SERG studio?
- Already mentioned some mobile software for turning iphones into webcams
- OBS Studio is a bit higher-end.
- Create "Scenes" with various camera setups
- save "profiles" for public vs internal, etc...
- loads of effects and features to create banners, use greenscreen, etc...
Probably more technically involved setup than most are interested in, but may make an interesting basae software for a shared SERG studio?
Other Stuff
- Cheap and easy green screen - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B003Y2KSC6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
- Mic Boom and pop screen - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CN2C93T/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Useful links
- This guy is a bit much, but his video is a great intro to OBS and Green screen:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS4OadmJcxg - OBS Tutorials:
https://nerdordie.com/resources/tutorials/obs-studio-tutorial-series/ - Comprehensive Guide to Teaching with Zoom:
https://zoom.us/docs/doc/Comprehensive%20Guide%20to%20Educating%20Through%20Zoom.pdf?zcid=1231&_ga=2.258135502.551525991.1583696790-827731685.1566335579 - OBS Virtual Cam for Mac (send OBS stream to Hangouts, Zoom, etc...):
SERG Special Topic
By Stace Maples
SERG Special Topic
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