ANTH 202
library tips for your research paper
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H-1132 (sociology lab) Wed. 3-5 pm
(APA, MLA, RefWorks)
Research paper (25%)
The final and most central component of this course is the submission of your final research paper in which you present, summarize and analyze data, present ethnographic methods and discuss theory. Length: Cover page + approx. 1500-2000 words of text (about 6-7 pages; maximum of 8 pages) + bibliography with 3 references.
Bibliography Tips
1 - follow your professor's instructions
3 - find a style guide and follow it, along with your prof's instructions
Tutorial: References & Citing
3 references: academic/peer reviewed
which one is academic or peer-reviewed?
Academic/Peer reviewed References
where would you start searching for those 3 academic references?
Tell your neighbour
Just for anthropologists: Anthropology Databases
Search all collections:
Discovery Search
limit to scholarly /
To find 3 academic references
Find more:
Google Scholar
your research paper must include:
an example of a social, economic or political phenomenon, a social process, an issue, or a practice...
as it pertains to a
specific group of people
If I started with:
What is the relationship between social media and language revitalization ?
I might end up with:
The revitalization of Mayan languages in Guatemala and Facebook: resilience or appropriation?
Don't forget about:
Your course readings
Good old GOOGLE
for ideas or starting points
click to learn more - all images are hyperlinked
ANTH 202
By susie breier
ANTH 202
Concordia Library slides for ANTH 202 Winter 2018
- 3,677