older SOAN 820

 Fall 2021 library workshop



our page and slides:


Thanks to your feedback...

what is and isn't on the agenda today:

On the agenda


Need assistance beyond a quick chat,
and have a bit of time to plan?

your subject librarian: susie.breier@concordia.ca

ZOOM office hours most Tuesdays 3-5, or by appointment


ZOOM office hours: most Tuesdays 3-5, 

OR by appointment

Webster Library, AskUs Desk: most Tuesdays 1-3 + Fridays 10-12

YOUR tips, tricks, and questions:

  • Looking for a book I like in a library catalogue to find its shelf location and then scanning the shelves around it for interesting titles/related scholarship.

  • I use Papers - it's awesome (but behind a paywall)!

  • Google scholar and ctrl-F  /  word finding ala ctrl F!

cited reference searching

Zotero & bibliograhic management

How to cite complicated archival materials. Example: I did work that was from a recent compilation of excerpts from women's journals published in the 1920's. It was unclear how to cite the original journal and author (which to me was of more relevance) .....

reference /consultation question

Accessing resources at Concordia & beyond with Sofia

the Zotero Connector automatically
detects the Concordia Library proxy

*Zotero also helps with  access to online resources

Search for library books, ebooks, articles and films

what if the library doesn't have it ONLINE?

request a book and pick it up later....

or use the call number and locate button to find it

what if the library DOESN'T have it at all?

search for it in any library worldwide:

... and simply request it!



Duina F. Consciousness in Classical Sociological Theories.  Journal of Consciousness Studies, v. 25, no. 9-10, 2018, pp. 99–124.



TIP: go back the previous slides to see how to find and request this via Interlibrary Loans!

 still unsure or CONFUSED ?

Use the Sofia E-journals search or BrowZine

to find / browse: 

Canadian Review of Sociology


Search for specific library books, ebooks, articles and films

 but go beyond Sofia 
to search for topics...

use library article databases & google scholar to search for literature on a topic

use the Sofia Discovery tool to find and access known items, but not to search for literature on a topic

my advice:

 Subject-specific vs. multidisciplinary databases

I need to find articles on climate change for my essay. What difference will it make, if any, whether I search in Sofia, Google Scholar, Anthropology Plus Database, Indigenous Studies Portal or PsycINFO?

climate change in Sofia:

climate change in Google Scholar:

climate change in iPortal:

climate change in Anthropology Plus:

How can you find all these diffferent subject-specific and multidisciplinary databases?


Subject databases:

Sofia Discovery tool:

use multidisciplinary library article databases & Google Scholar to broaden your search across disciplines and find connections

use subject-specific article databases like SocINDEX or iPortal to focus your search using a disciplinary or thematic lens

my advice:

 Navigating Colonial
Library Terminology &

Ideological Structures:

“The library is always an ideological structure. It’s not just what goes into the library that matters, but how it’s organized and under which norms.”

“...The actual ‘information’ contained in libraries, and how it is organized ... somehow manages to construct a reality wherein whiteness is default, normal, civilized and everything else is Other.”  

Daniel Heath Justice, Ph.D, ACRL Choice Webinar: Indigenous Literatures, social justice and the decolonial library

nina de jesus, Locating the library in institutional oppression, In the library with the lead pipe (Sept 24, 2014)

The library as ideological structure...

adapted from Michelle Lakes' 2019 FPST 202 slides

Tweet reproduced with permission from Hannah @hannajaneface

And speaking of defaults and othering....

where books sit on the shelf matters:


On the library shelves, most books about First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples and thought are found in the E classification area, for History of North America”.  This represents an erasure of living peoples and philosophies, knowledge.


Subject terms matter.....


In the most common university library classification system (LCSH), the main subject heading for material about Indigenous peoples in Canada and the United States is Indians of North America”.


Though relevant, correct and appropriate, terms for nations such as the Kanien’kehá:ka or confederacies such as the Haudenosaunee are not common in our Sofia Discovery.

adapted from Michelle Lakes' 2019 FPST 202 slides

There is a tension between finding keywords and subjects that will result in the most comprehensive search, and using respectful & appropriate terminology.


adapted from Michelle Lakes' 2019 FPST 202 slides

Tips for navigating these waters

  • sometimes "standard" (white settler) terms have to be included when searching. See these search strategies for example, for topics such as residential schools.



  "Cited by" or Cited Reference searching


once you have found a relevant article,  use

"cited by" to find more recent related material

Findit@Concordia set-up section at  4:00 mins

Google Scholar how-to video on "cited by" searching [for SOCI 612 course]

web of science database
Scopus database
Google scholar

Questions? Comments?

You need to find an online article that serves as a comprehensive guide to, or at least outlines, important & emerging sociological  or anthropological scholarship about.....

  • sound ethnography
  • anthropology of the senses
  • ethnomusicology


  • perspectivism & animism
  • environmental anthropology
  • anarchism & utopias


  • politics of extraction
  • capitalism
  • environmental justice 
  • queer theory

  • feminist theory

  • critical race theory / whiteness

  • modernity & infrastructure

  • science studies & sts

  •  multispecies ethnography


  • marxist sociology

  • political economy

Literature Review Sources!







Number of search results you will get

Number of search words you should enter



our page:

More lit review sources on your SOAN 820 page

for example:

After a very successful conference presentation of yours, the editors of The International Journal of Education and Social Science  invite you to submit your paper for publication.

--How should you proceed?



Open Access Journals:  

Run like the wind! That journal is not legit, and you should proceed with caution when journal editors are pursuing you.

  Search strategies

& keywords

example of a search in "standard"
EBSCO Article Databases

library search tips and tricks for


boolean operators, truncation, phrase searching:

 another search example in this handout:

Grad spaces

Grad spaces

 5th floor:

  • 4 dissertation writers’ rooms
  • Your own quiet reading room
  • Lounge, kitchenette & book shelves
  • Dedicated printer/copier/scanner

Bibliographies & Citations

Start by picking a

citation style:

Citation formatting & management good practices

For example:

What about automatic citation tools?

take your pick:

a) citation generators*
b) citation management tools*

* Make sure to  double check your generated citations - they are not always correct! Use the Library's citation style guides to make sure all the required elements of the citation are present and correctly formatted.

a) citation generators

Many library databases (for example, Sofia Discovery tool, EBSCO and ProQuest databases) and even Google Scholar, will provide you with formatted citations in the style of your choice that you can copy and paste into your bibliography, reference list or works cited list!

for more information, see our

b) citation management tools

Sometimes also called bibliographic management tools, these allow you to:

  • Download citations you find in library catalogues, databases, Google Scholar, and on the web.
  • Store and organize citations, and prepare a bibliography or reference list automatically.
  • Automatically format and insert in-text citations and a bibliography into papers you are writing with Microsoft Word, for example.

There are several citation management tools available. Concordia Library provides support for    Zotero,    ...........

Bibliographic Management & Zotero

on the library laptops

on your laptop or computer

At the top right corner of your browser  you should see an indication that the Zotero connector is installed - a folder or a page icon, or even a Z:

If you DON'T see  one of those icons :

Click on the extensions icon (looks like a puzzle piece) and make sure that Zotero is PINNED.  It will turn blue.

Once you are then using library databases or google scholar, you can save items to you Zotero library by clicking on the folder icon (or paper or book  icon  if you are looking at only one citation)

By default ZOTERO tries to save items to your Zotero library in the desktop software you installed.

Zotero desktop library:

RECOMMENDED for today:

Create a NEW COLLECTION for items you will be trying to save today, and name it something like



More ways to improve your Zotero skills

or continue on with more zotero info....

Once citations are saved in your Zotero library you can create a bibliography:

  1. select the items you want to include
  2. select Create Bibliography from items
  3. select a citation style
  4. copy-paste the citations into your Word document

...OR you can insert citations and a bibliography directly into documents via your word processing software:


REMINDER: Make sure to  double check your Zotero-generated references - they are not always correct! Use the Library's citation style guides to make sure all the required elements of your bibliography and of your references are present and correctly formatted.

Zotero info on our library web site:

Zotero library worshops:

Research Data Management

part of our RESEARCH SUPPORT services & guides

Sociology and Anthropology Professional Development Seminar - Phd students

By susie breier

Sociology and Anthropology Professional Development Seminar - Phd students

  • 1,185