SOCI 203

library research workshop

expectations & assumptions

what they are &
how to usE them:

  • Sofia Discovery tool
  • Library Databases:
    multi-subject vs. subject-specific  

stuff you're supposed to know

how to find &
use in your papers:

  • books and book chapters
  • scholarly journal articles

how to avoid/eliminate: 

  • Wikipedia

how to cite & format your references with:

  • APA
  • MLA
  • ASA

citation styles

also called peer-reviewed / academic / refereed

(even though it has the best basic info!)

stuff you're also supposed to know

How to make sure it's sociological

What do YOU think about all this?

tell me here:

  1. How to use the Sofia Discovery tool to ACCESS online resources
  2. How to use the Sofia Discovery tool to SEARCH for a TOPIC
  3. How to find multi-subject or SUBJECT-SPECIFIC Library Databases
  4. How to properly enter your KEYWORDS in Library Databases
  5. How to make sure an article is SCHOLARLY / peer-reviewed / academic
  6. How to FORMAT your references using CITATION STYLES
  7. How to find useful ALTERNATIVES TO WIKIPEDIA for your papers
  8. How to get library HELP and ASK QUESTIONS?
  9.  YOU SAID________________________________________

OUR Agenda 

Search for library books, ebooks, articles and films

what if the library doesn't have it ONLINE?

Search for books and ebooks

request/reserve a book and pick it up later....

or request a CHAPTER scan online!

what if the library DOESN'T have it?

search for it in any library worldwide...

... and simply request it!

another way to search worldwide:
set your search options on the left

CONFUSED? Still not sure whether we have it or not?

Citation Style Guides:

APA, MLA,Chicago...

Resources & Services for ALL



 Getting help





AskUs desk:  Mon 4-5, Tues 12-2, Fri 1-2

Tuesdays: Sociology Lab H-1132, 3-5 pm

 still unsure or CONFUSED ?

Find me on "ZOOM WITH A LIBRARIAN": Wednesdays 1-3 

or schedule an appointment with me

your subject librarian

stuff we might have discussed

 FInd sociological articles: SocINDEX

SOFIA Discovery TOOL 

Find sociological definitions & background info:
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology

backup of older SOCI 203 - Concordia Libraries

By susie breier

backup of older SOCI 203 - Concordia Libraries

Concordia Libraries slides for SOCI 203

  • 897