SOCI 409

 Fall 2020 library workshop



our page today:


Course guide for review:

Today's course guide:

Pofessional Development Seminar
  (SOCI/ANTH 660 + SOAN 820)


Your feedback...

I am getting stuck at finding sources that are specifically focused on / relevant to [my topic]...   


Maybe some bibliographic research tools? ... learn more about different databases.


I would like to learn more about keywords... Doing advanced searches with all the special search terms ...  I have heard that using tips like brackets or * signs can lead to more efficient results.


Finding soci papers specifically... 

I need more creative ideas on how to find sources.


Tips for researching during COVID without as much access to physical books and materials...  I am often finding articles that I need to pay for; are there ways to get around this?   How to bypass obstacles when you don't have access to a document.


A simple way of citing documents...  Using Zotero

....determined what is and isn't on the agenda today:

On the agenda

  • [Bibliographic Management & Zotero]
  • Accessing resources at Concordia and beyond - COVID-19  
  • Getting help
  • Subject-Specific vs  Multidisciplinary Databases

  • Search Strategies & Keywords
  • Citation databases (Google Scholar cited by)
  • Literature Review Sources


follow the links to learn more about...

Bibliographic Management & Zotero

Once those two steps are completed and everything is installed, go to your favourite library database or to Google Scholar, and search for articles on a topic.


At the top right corner of your browser  you should see an indication that the Zotero connector is installed:

IF you DON'T see the folder icon (or an icon that looks like a sheet of paper or a book) click on the extensions icon (looks like a puzzle piece) and make sure that the Zotero Connector is PINNED.  The pin will turn blue.

To save items to you Zotero library of citations, click on the folder icon (or paper or book  icon  if you are looking at only one citation)

By default ZOTERO tries to save items to your Zotero library in the desktop software you installed (but you can instead choose to enable the Zotero Web library and save your citations online).

Zotero desktop software library:

Once citations are saved in your Zotero library you can create a bibliography:

  1. select the items or the folder of items you want to include [right-click in the Zotero desktop software for Windows]
  2. select "Create Bibliography"
  3. select a citation style
  4. paste the citations into your Word document

...OR you can insert citations and a bibliography directly into documents via your word processing software:


for those who want to practice:

Create a NEW COLLECTION for items you will be trying to save today, and name it something like

SOCI 409

OPTIONAL on your own:*

Download the detailed Zotero exercises and instructions from our GradProSkills Zotero workshop:

  • you can also ask questions throughout the session, or at the end
  • OR attend a library  workshop just on Zotero
  • OR come ask questions during my Zoom reference hours.



Accessing resources

the Zotero Connector automatically
detects the Concordia Library proxy

*Zotero also helps streamline  access to online resources

ACCEPT the proxy --

**EXCEPT when on Sofia / library homepage

How can you access resources at Concordia?

Search for library books, ebooks, articles and films

what if the library doesn't have it ONLINE?

request/reserve a book and pick it up later....

or request a CHAPTER scan online.

what if the library DOESN'T have it?


Duina F. “Consciousness in Classical Sociological Theories.”  Journal of Consciousness Studies,      v. 25, no. 9-10, 2018, pp. 99–124.



Search for it in any

library worldwide.

finding and requesting books works the same way, just make sure to select Libraries Worldwide from the facets on the left...

...or in Advanced Search

 Still confused or UNSURE about accessing material and using Sofia ?


Searching Sofia video:

 still unsure or CONFUSED ?

Find me on "ZOOM WITH A LIBRARIAN": Wednesdays 1-3 

or schedule an appointment with me

your subject librarian

use library article databases & google scholar to search for literature on a topic

use Sofia to search for (e)books and access items, but not to search for literature on a topic

Accessing items -final words of advice

On the agenda

  • [Bibliographic Management & Zotero]
  • Accessing resources at Concordia and beyond - COVID-19  
  • Getting help
  • Subject-Specific vs  Multidisciplinary Databases

  • Search Strategies & Keywords
  • Citation databases (Google Scholar cited by)
  • Literature Review Sources



our page:

these SLIDES:

 Subject-specific vs. multidisciplinary databases

I need to find articles on climate change for my essay. What difference will it make, if any, whether I search in Sofia, Google Scholar, Anthropology Plus, Indigenous Studies Portal,  PsycINFO ...or SocINDEX?

where can I find all these databases?

Go see for yourselves!

  1. Use either the Subject Guides -- or the Databases by Subject -- to find a database which is new to you and which might be of interest.

  2. Search for a simple topic of your choice.

  3. Let me know what you found:

My climate change searches:

climate change in Sofia:

climate change in Google Scholar:

climate change in iPortal:

climate change in Anthropology Plus:


Subject databases:

Sofia Discovery tool:

use multidisciplinary library article databases & Google Scholar to broaden your search across disciplines and find connections

use subject-specific ARTICLE DATABASES like to SocINDEX or iPortal to focus your search using a disciplinary or thematic lens

my advice:

On the agenda

  • [Bibliographic Management & Zotero]
  • Accessing resources at Concordia and beyond - COVID-19  
  • Getting help
  • Subject-Specific vs  Multidisciplinary Databases

  • Search Strategies & Keywords
  • Citation databases (Google Scholar cited by)
  • Literature Review Sources

  Search strategies

& keywords

Example of a keyword

combination in SocINDEX

example of a search in "standard"
EBSCO Article Databases

library search tips and tricks for


boolean operators, truncation, phrase searching:

 another search example in this handout:

(YouTube, 7 mins)

Developing your search strategy: VIDEO

from our Library Skills Tutorial- Search Strategies:  

On the agenda

  • [Bibliographic Management & Zotero]
  • Accessing resources at Concordia and beyond - COVID-19  
  • Getting help
  • Subject-Specific vs  Multidisciplinary Databases

  • Search Strategies & Keywords
  • Citation databases (Google Scholar cited by)
  • Literature Review Sources

YOUR tips & tricks:

  • Using filters in Google Scholar and Sofia (choosing specific publication years, specific types of results, etc)

  • Figuring out the right keywords, filtering for discipline, looking through bibliographies of good sources

  • Looking through authors' citation lists to find possible resources

  • Reading articles  which use data that could be helpful and then scouring their sources has been pretty helpful and led to a bunch of possible studies to use.

  • Looking at the bibliographies of sources I am using.

  Citation databases


web of science database
Scopus database
Google scholar

Findit@Concordia set-up section at  4:00 mins

Google Scholar how-to video on "cited by" searching [for SOCI 612]

On the agenda

  • [Bibliographic Management & Zotero]
  • Accessing resources at Concordia and beyond - COVID-19  
  • Getting help
  • Subject-Specific vs  Multidisciplinary Databases

  • Search Strategies & Keywords
  • Citation databases (Google Scholar cited by)
  • Literature Review Sources

  Literature review sources


 your topic

& broader sociological concepts

Can you find an academic article that  also serves as a comprehensive guide to, or at least outlines, important sociological  (or anthropological)  scholarship about concepts such as:

  • activism, social movements
  • social policy
  • bodies and gender
  • education, consumer culture
  • sex work / paid work
  • gender and crime
  • citizenship, literary anthropology
  • environmental sociology/anthropology
  • ..................

Literature Review Sources!

Here's what soci grad students matched their topics did with these:







Bibliographical articles

Number of search results you will get

Number of search words you should enter

More lit review sources on your SOAN 820 page

for example:


not on our agenda

Start by picking a

citation style:

Citation formatting & management good practices

use a citation style guide:

What about automatic citation tools?

take your pick:

a) citation generators*
b) citation management tools*

* Make sure to  double check your generated citations - they are not always correct! Use the Library's citation style guides to make sure all the required elements of the citation are present and correctly formatted.

a) citation generators

Many library databases (for example, Sofia Discovery tool, EBSCO and ProQuest databases) and even Google Scholar, will provide you with formatted citations in the style of your choice that you can copy and paste into your bibliography, reference list or works cited list!

for more information, see our

b) citation management tools

Sometimes also called bibliographic management tools, these allow you to:

  • Download citations you find in library catalogues, databases, Google Scholar, and on the web.
  • Store and organize citations, and prepare a bibliography or reference list automatically.
  • Automatically format and insert in-text citations and a bibliography into papers you are writing with Microsoft Word, for example.

There are several citation management tools available. Concordia Library provides support for    Zotero,    ...........

Option 1:

Limit your Sofia search by FORMAT


finding JOURNALS in Sofia:


Option 2:

Use the E-journals search


Canadian Review of Sociology

Option 1:

Limit  your Sofia search by FORMAT



Canadian Review of Sociology

JOURNAL browsing:


Option 2:

Use the E-journals search


Canadian Review of Sociology


SOCI 409 Fall 2020 library workshop

By susie breier

SOCI 409 Fall 2020 library workshop

  • 1,941