COMP3010: Algorithm Theory and Design
Daniel Sutantyo, Department of Computing, Macquarie University
3.2 - Search Space
Search Space
3.2 - Search Space
- Does this term apply on for search algorithms?
- Another term: solution space
- Definition : the set of all possible solutions
- so what about "impossible" solutions?
- Examples:
- Search if a value exist in an array
- the search space is every element of the array
- [ 3 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 10 ]
- Knapsack, Travelling Salesman, SAT, etc: all possible combinations
- some will fail the constraint
- Search if a value exist in an array
Example: Making Rods
3.2 - Search Space
We have a bunch of metallic rods with fixed lengths. Is it possible to produce a rod of certain length if we are allowed to join any two or more rods together, but we cannot cut any rod into two or more pieces.
Example: Making Rods
3.2 - Search Space
- The input to the problem is the lengths of the metallic rods that we have and the length \(L\) of the rod that we need to make
- Example:
- input = [ 10 , 12 , 5 , 7 , 11 ], required length = 25
- output = yes or no
We have a bunch of metallic rods with fixed lengths. Is it possible to produce a rod of certain length if we are allowed to join any two or more rods together, but we cannot cut any rod into two or more pieces.
Example: Making Rods
3.2 - Search Space
We have a bunch of metallic rods with fixed lengths. Is it possible to produce a rod of certain length if we are allowed to join any two or more rods together, but we cannot cut any rod into two or more pieces.
- Input: The array \(B = \{b_1, b_2, \dots, b_n\}\) containing the lengths of the rods and an integer \(L \ge 0\)
- Output: True if there is a subarray \(\{b_{i_0}, b_{i_1}, \dots, b_{i_k}\}, 1 \le i_j \le n\) such that
\[\sum_{j=0}^k b_{i_j} = L\]
Example: Making Rods
3.2 - Search Space
- Sample input: [ 10 , 12 , 5 , 7 , 11 ]
- L = 25, there is no solution
- L = 22, there are multiple solutions, e.g. [ 10 , 12 ], [ 10 , 5 , 7 ]
- The search space has \(2^5 = 32\) combinations, but how do we actually find them?
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < b.length; j++){
for (int k = 0; k < b.length; k++){
for (int l = 0; l < b.length; l++){
for (int m = 0; m < b.length; m++){
Problems and Subproblems
3.2 - Search Space
- One of the most important thing you need to recognise when attempting to solve a problem is, can we make a smaller subproblem out of the original problem?
- Recognising the subproblem will lead to us being able to construct a search space
- We are going to look at this again next week, but for now, try to recognise the subproblems to the original problem
Problems and Subproblems
3.2 - Search Space
- Given [10, 12, 5, 7, 11], can we make 25?
- reduce the problem to subproblems
- if I pick 10 now, then I have [ 12 , 5 , 7 , 11 ] to choose from, and have to make 15
- if I pick 12 now, then I have [ 10 , 5 , 7 , 11 ] to choose from, and have to make 13
- if I pick 5 now, then I have [ 10 , 12 , 7 , 11 ] to choose from, and have to make 20
- etc
Problems and Subproblems
3.2 - Search Space
[10,12,5,7,11] L = 25
[12,5,7,11] L = 15
[10,5,7,11] L = 13
[10,12,7,11] L = 20
[10,12,5,11] L = 18
[10,12,5,7] L = 14
Problems and Subproblems
3.2 - Search Space
public static boolean solve(int[] b, int i, int L) {
// if L == 0, we are done
if (L == 0)
return true;
// if we don't have any more rods, then we can't make it
if (b.length == 0)
return false;
// else keep on going with the remaining sum
for (???) {
Problems and Subproblems
3.2 - Search Space
- Given [10, 12, 5, 7, 11], can we make 25?
- Option 1: pick one of the elements, then recurse
- pick one of 10, 12, 5, 7, or 11
- Option 2: either pick the element at the current index, or don't, then recurse
- pick 10 or don't pick it
- pick 12 or don't pick it
- pick 5 or don't pick it
- Option 1: pick one of the elements, then recurse
Problems and Subproblems
3.2 - Search Space
[10,12,5,7,11] L = 25
[12,5,7,11] L = 15
[12,5,7,11] L = 25
don't pick 10
pick 10
[5,7,11] L = 3
[5,7,11] L = 15
[5,7,11] L = 15
[5,7,11] L = 25
don't pick 12
pick 12
pick 12
don't pick 12
[7,11] L = -2
[11] L = -9
pick 5
pick 7
[7,11] L = 15
[11] L = 8
pick 7
don't pick 5
don't pick 5
don't pick 7
[11] L = 15
[7,11] L = 15
pick 5
don't pick 7
Problems and Subproblems
3.2 - Search Space
[10,12,5,7,11] L = 25
don't pick 10
pick 10
[10,12,5,7,11] L = 25
[12,5,7,11] L = 15
[10,5,7,11] L = 13
[10,12,7,11] L = 20
[10,12,5,11] L = 18
[10,12,5,7] L = 14
[12,5,7,11] L = 15
[12,5,7,11] L = 25
Problems and Subproblems
3.2 - Search Space
- Moral of the story: make sure you understand whether you need to generate permutations or combinations
Example: Word building
3.2 - Search Space
- Another example: produce all possible combinations of three unique letters in the English alphabet
- e.g. abc, abd, abe, ..., ayz, bac, bad, ..., xyz
Example: Word building
3.2 - Search Space
a ?
b ?
c ?
d ?
... ...
... ...
(and so on)
Example: Word building
3.2 - Search Space
... ...
... ...
... ...
Example: Word building
3.2 - Search Space
... ...
... ...
... ...
Tree Structure
3.2 - Search Space
- Notice that the search space is actually a tree
- I often refer to this as the decision tree or search tree
- Is it always a binary tree?
Example: License Plates
3.2 - Search Space
- Problem: Generate all possible license plates
"a" "b" "c" ..... "9" "0"
"a" "b" "c" ..... "9" "0"
- Search space: 36 * 36 * 36 * 36 * 36 * 36
Problems and Subproblems
3.2 - Search Space
[10,12,5,7,11] L = 25
[12,5,7,11] L = 15
[12,5,7,11] L = 25
don't pick 10
pick 10
[5,7,11] L = 3
[5,7,11] L = 15
[5,7,11] L = 15
[5,7,11] L = 25
don't pick 12
pick 12
pick 12
don't pick 12
[7,11] L = -2
[11] L = -9
pick 5
pick 7
[7,11] L = 15
[11] L = 8
pick 7
don't pick 5
don't pick 5
don't pick 7
[11] L = 15
[7,11] L = 15
pick 5
don't pick 7
Traversing the Search Space
3.2 - Search Space
public static boolean solve(int[] b, int i, int L) {
// if L == 0, we are done
if (L == 0){
return true;
// if we get to the end of array but still can't make the sum,
// return false
if (i >= b.length) {
return false;
// else keep on going with the remaining sum
return solve(b,i+1,L-b[i]) || solve(b,i+1,L);
- if (L == 0) or (i >= b.length), we are done since either we managed to make the sum earlier, or we've run out of rods
- solve(b,index+1,L-b[index]): pick the current element, keep going
- solve(b,index+1,L): don't pick the current element, keep going
Traversing the Search Space
3.2 - Search Space
- If your search space is a tree, then how will we traverse through it (or more generally, how do you traverse the graph)?
- You can use either DFS or BFS
- What did we do here?
public static boolean solve(int[] b, int i, int L) {
// if L == 0, we are done
if (L == 0){
return true;
// if we get to the end of array but still can't make the sum,
// return false
if (i >= b.length) {
return false;
// else keep on going with the remaining sum
return solve(b,i+1,L-b[i]) || solve(b,i+1,L);
Traversing the Search Space
3.2 - Search Space
public static boolean solve(int[] b, int i, int L) {
// else keep on going with the remaining sum
return solve(b,i+1,L-b[i]) || solve(b,i+1,L);
[10,12,5,7,11] L = 25
[12,5,7,11] L = 15
[12,5,7,11] L = 25
don't pick 10
pick 10
don't pick 12
pick 12
pick 12
don't pick 12
[5,7,11] L = 3
[5,7,11] L = 15
[5,7,11] L = 15
[5,7,11] L = 25
Traversing the Search Space
3.2 - Search Space
a ?
b ?
c ?
d ?
... ...
... ...
... ...
Traversing the Search Space
3.2 - Search Space
- We use DFS almost all the time because this is the natural way to think when writing a recursive algorithm
- our task is often to produce all bitstrings of length n (remember our discussion in combinations)
- we build our solution incrementally
- 0 -> 00 -> 000 -> 0000 -> 0001 -> etc
- when we backtrack, we do so in a way that minimises the work we have to do
- to build 01101 from 01100, it is easiest to backtrack to 0110
Traversing the Search Space
3.2 - Search Space
a ?
b ?
c ?
d ?
... ...
... ...
3.2 - Search Space
- Constructing the search space
- Problems and subproblems
- Decision tree
- Traversing using DFS
COMP3010 - 3.2 - Search Space
By Daniel Sutantyo
COMP3010 - 3.2 - Search Space
Generating the search space for brute force algorithm
- 135