Strategies & Tools for History 91 Research


Celia Caust-Ellenbogen

Associate Curator,

Friends Historical Library



Simon Elichko

Social Sciences & Data Librarian


Today's workshop:

  • Finding secondary sources
  • Learning how to search more intentionally
  • Exploring primary sources
  • Experience working with archival materials
  • Tips for organizing your research


  • I'm looking for both primary and secondary sources
  • I have a good range of primary sources, still need more secondary
  • I have a good range of secondary sources, still need more primary
  • I think I'm all set with the sources I have
  • I'm overwhelmed by the available material

Finding Secondary Sources

Key resource: History 91 Research Guide

Relevant pages in the guide:

Useful tools for finding
secondary sources

Library catalogs

  • Tripod  (TriCo Libraries)
  • Worldcat  (many libraries in US and beyond)


History-focused databases

General-purpose academic databases

  • Project Muse

Library Catalogs
Use these to find books (also other resources)

Start with Tripod  (TriCo)

You can expand your search to Worldcat (many libraries)

  1. Working with a partner, pick a book from one of your projects.
    Search for the book in these two library catalogs:
    - Tripod -
    - Worldcat -

    (Example: Women's House of Detention - search in Tripod, search in Worldcat)
  2. What do you see listed under Subjects in Tripod?  And in Worldcat?
    - To find subjects in Tripod, scroll down
    - To find subjects in Worldcat, click "Show more information"

3. Try searching Tripod for other books with one of the same Subjects.
     (Example: Women prisoners -- social conditions)

Login to Tripod to request delivery (arrives 1-2 days)

E-Z Borrow
Borrow from academic libraries in PA, NJ  (arrives in ~1 week)

Worldcat & Interlibrary Loan

Borrow books, journals, microfilm, DVDs, etc. from all over the world. (arrives in 1-3 weeks)

   Penn      Drexel     Temple     NYU      Rutgers

  Swat          Haverford      Bryn Mawr

 Oxford       Columbia      University of Amsterdam

Harvard       Stanford     Museum of Natural History

You can access materials from TriCo libraries and beyond

You can also request PDFs of articles & book chapters not owned in the TriCo.

  • EZBorrow
    • Books only
    • If a book isn't available in Tripod, search here next.
    • Delivered to McCabe, usually takes ~1 week
  • Interlibrary Loan Form
    • Use to request books that aren't in EZBorrow, microfilm (e.g. news, magazines), DVDs and CDs (films, TV), dissertations
    • Can take longer. Usually within 2-3 weeks
    • Worldcat can help you figure out what's available.
  • Article Request Form
    • Journal and news articles • receive a PDF by email, usually 1-3 days
  • Book Chapter Request Form
    • Chapters from books • receive a PDF by email, usually 1-5 days

History-focused databases
Use these to find journal articles and book reviews

Why are these databases useful?

  • They include peer-reviewed articles from history journals, as well as some articles from other related disciplines
  • You can narrow down your results by the historical time period discussed in articles
  • Connected to Tripod through the FindIt button, which makes it easier to get PDFs of articles

What do you need to know to use these tools?

How to turn a topic into useful search terms

Example:  conservative dominance of US talk radio

1. Break down the topic into a few key concepts:

  • conservative
  • radio
  • United States

2. Come up with synonyms and related terms for each.  

    Think about broader terms (e.g. broadcasting), narrower terms (e.g. Republican,
    talk radio, Rush Limbaugh), and potentially related terms (e.g. Fox News,
media, news).

  • conservative OR Republican OR Fox News OR Rush Limbaugh
  • talk OR news OR journalism
  • radio OR broadcasting

3. Fix up your search terms: use * (to expand) and "your terms" to specify exact phrases.

    conservativ* OR Republican* OR "Fox News" OR Limbaugh

    AND talk OR news OR journalis*   

    AND radio OR broadcast*

4. Use filters, limits, and advanced search options. For example, Historical Period.

Tips for coming up with search terms

    Use the Keyword Generator to help break down your topic into core concepts and generate possible search terms.
  • Do an initial broad search to gather search term ideas.
    • What words are being used in titles, abstracts, and subjects?
  • Look at sources you already have for ideas: what words do they use?
    • If you have a book that's on-topic, look at the index.

Additional tools for secondary research

See Review Essays & Topic Overviews for links to:

  • Review journals: History Compass, Reviews in American History
  • History companions and handbooks: Cambridge Histories and others

Open this link:

Primary Source Type Examples Where to find
Popular media
📰 📻
News, magazines, radio, tv, websites Online databases

Physical copies in libraries and archives (sometimes paper copies, sometimes microfilm)

Websites, including web archives like Wayback Machine
Specialized periodicals
Trade publications, scholarly journals (same as above)
Organizational records

🏢 🗒️ 📆
Office memos, meeting minutes, annual reports, member newsletters, event posters, email Archives and special collections
Online databases
Websites (including web archives)

Types of Primary Sources

Primary source type Examples Where to find it
Material culture
🎨 🛏️ 🕰️ 📮 🕌
Art, objects, buildings Exhibition catalogs & other books
Online exhibits and collections
Image databases
Government records
🏛️ 🇧🇷 🗣️
Reports, transcripts of hearings, speeches Library collections and databases
Websites and web archives
Personal papers
💌 📔 🏷️ 🗺️
Letters, diaries and journals, scrapbooks Archives and special collections
Published in books
Online exhibits and collections
Online databases

Types of Primary Sources (continued)

What should you do if you find the title/name/citation for a primary source, but can't find the source itself?

Is it available immediately?

  • Search for it in Tripod
  • Search for it in Google (try putting part of the title in quotes: "War and Peace")
  • Look through Research Guides (library databases + subscriptions)
  • Broken link? Look it up in the Wayback Machine.
  • Ask for help! Simon can help you figure it out.


Could it be delivered to you?

  • Search for other libraries that own a copy using Worldcat
  • Published items could be requested through EZBorrow, Interlibrary Loan, Article Delivery
  • If it's a unique item and it's owned by an archives or special collections library, there's a chance you could have it scanned. (Ask Simon or Celia.)


Could you go to somewhere to access?

  • If it's in an archives or special collections library, you may be able to set up a visit.
  • If you need to use an online resource that's behind a paywall (costs money), you might be able to use the resource at another library, like Temple.
    • Important: to avoid wasting time, definitely check with Simon first!

Where to look for primary sources

Let's get experience using two different kinds of resources for finding primary sources:

  • Periodicals Index Online
  • Adam Matthew Explorer

Both sites are linked from the Primary Sources page in the History 91 Guide.

Let's try finding some primary sources
for your project.


On the Finding Primary Sources page of the Research Guide, choose a type of primary source.


Following instructions & tips on these pages, spend 5 minutes looking for source(s) relevant to your own topic.


After 5 minutes, you'll pair up with another student

and discuss what you noticed.

What did you find? What were you surprised to learn or find? What were the difficulties? Do you have any search tips to share?

Complexities of searching for historical sources...

If, for example, I wanted to find out more about the island from which [Sir Walter] Raleigh penned his letter, what name should I keyword search? Saint Christopher, St. Christopher, Saint Christophe, St. Kitts, or San Christoval?"

- Casey Schmitt, Love Letters and the Digital Turn (The Junto)

  • Name changes, aliases, titles
  • Place name changes
  • Terms in multiple languages
  • Alternative spellings
  • Mistakes in OCR
  • Misspellings in documents

Consider keeping a list of various terms and spellings you've encountered, to help you with searching.


Optical character recognition is the process of making text in images searchable (e.g. when scanning a poster).

  • Everyday versions of OCR: iOS and Google Keep text recognition in photos
  • Tools for running OCR on your documents, or for improving the quality of existing OCR:  Adobe Acrobat, ABBY FineReader (available from ITS)
    • Work better with typed text than handwriting

When you're searching through (digitized) historical sources, you're often searching text generated by OCR.

It's easy for OCR to miss entire words, cut them off part-way, or otherwise be inaccurate. You can't fully count on searches within sources being completely accurate. (So sometimes it's worth manually looking at, say, the newspaper issue from a key date.)

Venn diagram highlighting topics represented in Friends Historical Library (FHL), College Archives (SCA), and Peace Collection (SCPC). FHL: Quaker history & spirituality; Native American History. SCPC: Internationalism. SCA & Rare Book Room: Artists' books, Swarthmore Borough history. FHL & SCPC: Peace, nonviolence, pacifism, and conscientious objection. FHL & SCA: Swarthmore College History. All: African-American history; Women's History.

Think "Tripod" - come to the library to view the materials

Think "JSTOR" - the materials are digitized & online.

Screenshot of homepage of Archives & Manuscripts catalog.
Screenshot of homepage of Digital Collections.

Make an appointment

Entrance to Swarthmore College Special Collections Reading Room.

What to expect from any archives visit

  • Contact the archives well in advance to make an appointment
  • Tell the archivist you are an undergraduate student - ask for help and suggestions
  • Don't bring food, drink, or pens
  • Be prepared to store your belongings in a locker
  • Ask whether it's okay to take pictures, and if it is, take LOTS of them (including of the box/folder info) to read and refer to later
  • Be gentle with the documents and make sure EVERYTHING stays in the same order
Screenshot of homepage of Philadelphia Area Archives catalog.

Intercultural Center Records, RG 6/Q030, Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College.

Organizing Your Research

• Document your process

• Save consistently

• Annotate sources

Three ways to stay organized
while doing research: 

{ ideas, searches, sources }

{ done & to-do }

{ while you still remember }

Document Your Process

As you work, keep a research log.

- Today's date

- What did you do today?
- What are your next steps? (however tentative)

{ Tools }
• Google doc, Word doc, notebook, Simplenote
• Browser history, search history


Save Consistently

Be predictable
Decide on and stick to a system that is easy and reliable.

Label everything 
Include enough information so you can recognize sources at a glance.  (even a few weeks later)

Zotero - Get started: 

       -  One place to save sources + citations

       -  Sort, categorize, tag sources
       -  Generates formatted citations


Annotate Sources

Source notes
Why does this document seem (potentially) relevant?

Write it down now, while you still remember.
Add the date somewhere prominent.

Categorizing sources

It can be helpful to sort your potential sources into categories (by topic, by potential use, etc.) 

{ Tools }
• Zotero -- tags, folders  ("collections")

Coggle -- mindmaps - create groups of sources, authors


Next steps:


More ways to get help:

Research Workshop for History 091

By Swarthmore Reference

Research Workshop for History 091

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