Libraries Support for

Translation Workshop

Abbie Weil, aweil1

Librarian for Modern Languages & Literatures

Research Support

  • Library Resources
  • Online Tools
  • Consultation

Kolik jazyků umíš, tolikrát jsi člověkem.

Key library sites

Tip: wildcard searching

Caution: multiple meanings

of translation

Search Database Finder

by Title / Keyword (translat*)

Search by subject + resource type

(translat* + journals)

Find their titles in Tripod

Deep Vellum Publishing

literary fiction & poetry, focus on translation

Unlimited free storage

Swarthmore affiliates get free "premium" Zotero

Use Zotero to organize your research materials, including saving and annotating PDFs, and generating citations.
See our Zotero at Swarthmore guide.

Zotero Groups

Set up a Zotero Group to share materials with multiple participants.

Great for group work. Ask a librarian for help getting started!

AI Support

Products not endorsed or supported by College or Libraries

Tied to search engine, like Google Translate


Questions about literature, languages, library resources?

Questions about AI, digital resources?

Moi, aweil1

Amanda Licastro, alicast1

Support for Translation Workshop

By Swarthmore Reference

Support for Translation Workshop

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