teaching support

Research & Instruction Services at Swarthmore

What can librarians help with?

Class visits

  • One or more sessions
    • Resources
    • Tools
    • Methodologies
  • Scaffolded instruction
  • Embedded in curriculum

library visits

  • Special Collections & primary sources
  • Small collections
    • Comics & zines
    • 2nd floor language lounge
  • Librarian & professor as co-teachers
    • Instruction + independent work, with help on-hand
  • Library as information ecosystem

one-on-one consultations

  • Support for beginner and expert researchers
  • Required step for research project

Special projects

  • Exhibition, solo- or group-curated
  • Zine-making workshop
  • Letterpress
  • Visit area libraries & archives

and of course

  • Research Guides
  • Course reserves
    • https://www.swarthmore.edu/libraries/set-course-reserves
Name Subjects Email
Abbie Weil Modern Languages & Literatures aweil1
Amanda Licastro Digital Scholarship alicast1
Andrea Baruzzi STEM abaruzz1
Christina Bush Education, Psychology, Black Studies cbush1
Donna Fournier Performing Arts dfourn1
Simon Elichko Social Sciences selichk1
Roberto Vargas Humanities rvargas1

we're here for you

Teaching support for NFO

By Swarthmore Reference

Teaching support for NFO

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