Google guildelines

Writing good CL descriptions

A CL description is a public record of what change is being made and why it was made.

Examples of BAD CL descriptions

  • “Fix build.”
  • “Add patch.”
  • “Moving code from A to B.”
  • “Phase 1.”
  • “Add convenience functions.”
  • “kill weird URLs.”
“Fix bug” is an inadequate CL description. What bug? What did you do to fix it? Other similarly bad descriptions include:

Examples of BAD CL descriptions

no description at all

Examples of GOOD CL descriptions

So what?

Template proposal for "features"

What does this MR do?

Why are we doing this? Context of the ticker. Jira's link is a must

Template proposal for "fixes"

"features" template +
What caused the issue?


Most complaints about the code review process are actually resolved by making the process faster

The rules are

  • One business day is the maximum time it should take to respond after MR is submitted
  • 24hrs rule for each respond on the MR
  • Be polite :-)

Stats for last 25 MRS

25.6---- Anastasiia Shmatkova
41.8 ---- Michiel Renty
49.3 ---- Jeroen Buter
66.0 ---- Sergii Didenko
81.3 ---- Kostiantyn Synyshyn
88.8 ---- Katarina Dabo
98.5 ---- Peter Pronk
111.9 ---- Kostiantyn Kolesnichenko
129.9 ---- Chris Catton
131.0 ---- Olga Bondar
136.1 ---- Liudmyla Polianychko
194.6 ---- Francisco Azcarate
198.3 ---- Maksym Penderuk
235.5 ---- Yuval Carmeli

Stats for last 5MRs

39.8 ---- Jeroen Buter
50.2---- Anastasiia Shmatkova
51.1 ---- Michiel Renty
55.6---- Sergii Didenko
56.6 ---- Kostiantyn Synyshyn
66.7 ---- Francisco Azcarate
72.2 ---- Olga Bondar
73.3 ---- Katarina Dabo
76.7 ---- Peter Pronk
77.9 ---- Yuval Carmeli
124.8 ---- Oleksandr Rybak
141.7 ---- Liudmyla Polianychko
150.3 ---- Maksym Penderuk
159.4 ---- Kostiantyn Kolesnichenko
170.9 ---- Chris Catton

Example of bad comments

How to write comments

Explain Why

Giving Guidance

Code review guiidelines

By Kostiantyn Synyshyn

Code review guiidelines

  • 362