Nuxeo Release cycle



Thierry Delprat

Nuxeo REleases

Different types of releases

Nuxeo Releases

  • LTS - Long Term Support 
    • released once a year in November
    • maintained for 3 years
  • FT - Fast Track releases 
    • releases every 2 months
  • Nightly
    • nightly release of the master branch

LTS Release

  • Goal
    • Long Term Support to enable customer with long upgrade cycles
  • ​Scope
    • ​Nuxeo Platform + all addons
    • all OS / all databases
  • ​Testing
    • automated testing (unit testing + non reg + perfs)
    • dedicated performance testing
    • manual testing
  • ​Delivery
    • tagged in the source control repository
    • maven artifacts
    • Zip, Linux packages, VM, Docker, installers, etc.

FT Release

  • Goal
    • early access & feedback
    • milestones to LTS  (last FT is the pre-LTS)
  • ​Scope
    • ​Nuxeo Platform + key addons
    • Linux + PGSQL / MongoDB
  • ​Testing
    • automated testing (unit testing + non reg + perfs)
    • manual testing for specific integrations
  • ​Delivery
    • tagged in the source control repository
    • maven artifacts
    • Zip, Linux packages, VM, Docker, installers, etc.


  • Goal
    • give access to a safe SNAPSHOT version to developers and partners​ (using the same release process as full releases)
  • ​Scope
    • ​Nuxeo Platform + selected addons
    • Linux + PGSQL / MongoDB
  • Testing
    • automated testing (unit testing + non reg + perfs)

  • ​Delivery
    • maven artifacts
    • not tagged in source control



it is really time-based, you can choose to align to any published nightly release and set your cadence



​Nuxeo Platform
selected addons

Linux + Pgsql/MongoDB


automated testing
performance testing

maven artifacts

no tag !


​Nuxeo Platform
selected addons

Linux + Pgsql/MongoDB


automated testing
performance testing
manual testing

maven artifacts

Zip, Deb, VM ...


​Nuxeo Platform
selected addons

All OS / All DBs

automated testing
performance testing
manual testing

maven artifacts

Zip, Deb, VM ...



About Performance testings

  • Performances tests are part of the build
    • CI runs Gatling based tests every night
    • goal: identify performance regression ASAP
  • We run more complex performances tests weekly
    • Cluster configuration
    • Multiple-Databases
    • Results are published
  • We run extensive tests before FT and LTS
    • Test even more configurations
    • Optimizations
    • Results are published

Nighly Performance testings

Weekly Performance testings

FT/LTS Performance testings

Support & Maintenance

Nuxeo Services


Answer questions

Help you using Nuxeo

Reproduce and correct issues



Release cumulative patches

Provide an easy way to upgrade

LTS Releases


We help you: questions, debug, issues ...



Hotfixes delivered every 2-3 weeks



target version is available for 3 years

FT Releases


We help you: questions, debug, issues ...



fixes will be available in the next FT (no HotFixes)

patched jar available if a critical security fix is needed


target version is available until FT+2 is released

SNAPSHOT - Nightly Build


We help you: questions, debug, issues ...

We may request you to reproduce issues on latests nightly build


fixes will be available in a next nightly (no HotFixes)


use last FT as target platform

Which version to use ?


you want to limit updates to productions

your dev and tests cycles are long

you do not need any new feature at the platform level

you can still update your software and business logic

Fast Track

during project development

give feedback and influence ongoing developments

leverage new platform features early

​​in production​ ​

if you have a good CI/CD with fast testing cycle

quickly leverage new platform features


during project development

faster feedback loop

keep 100% up to date with our work

​​in production​ ​

aligned on our master branch
and pushed to production at any moment

requirement: a good CI/CD, strong engineering practices and fast testing/validation/deploy cycle

Nuxeo Releases

By Thierry Delprat

Nuxeo Releases

  • 2,566