JavaScript End to End Testing Framework 

Comparing Nightwatch, Selenium, Puppeteer and WebDriverIO + giving an overview of Cypress 🌸

WebDriver Architecture

  • It's unable to observe the application in real time.
  • So you can't perform based on network operations. You can't perform based on existing state.
  • You're assuming that everything is clean slate every time, that's why it's flaky. You always have to add fixed waits.

Cypress Architecture

Node Server

  • Cypress can respond to events in real time
  • Cypress observes web traffic in real time
  • You can listen to and debug uncaught errors in the app code
  • Because Cypress is installed locally on your machine, it can additionally tap into the operating system itself for automation tasks.

Selenium, Nightwatch & WebdriverIO Architecture

Nightwatch uses Selenium under the hood, so it's the same architecture

WebdriverIO is a Selenium WebDriver for Node, so it's the same architecture

Selenium uses the WebDriver interface, so it's the same architecture


  • Automation Framework only (no ui or test runner)

  • Needs Test Runner on top (jest)
  • Have to await, close each instance, etc.
  • Only chromium desktop


  • WebDriver: a spec for interacting with the browser
  • Puppeteer: Chrome API for driving the browser (Uses DevTools Protocol)
  • WebDriverIO: WebDriver API for driving the browser (Uses Selenium Webdriver)
  • Nightwatch: Full framework (Uses Selenium Webdriver)
  • Selenium: Abstraction over various WebDriver clients (ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver, etc.)

Bootstrapping a new project

Setup with Selenium

Install selenium server or framework

Install browser driver

Install test runner

Install assertion library

Install mocking/stubbing/spying library

Setup with Cypress

Testing with Cypress

Debugging with Cypress

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration with Cypress



All-inclusive testing system

Powerful time-travel debugging

Automatic waits

Built-in function and network mocking

Testing directly on the browser without the need for WebDriver

Allows for parallelization of test suites

No support for cross-browser testing yet (WIP, FireFox in beta)

Browser support updates almost immediately

Cross-browser testing

  • Most our code isn't written by us anymore (React is tested  cross-browser)
  • Polyfills make sure code is compatible cross-browser
  • Static tooling to ensure we're not using APIs that are missing polyfills
  • eslint-plugin-compat (far from perfect but makes sure it's compatible)
  • We can have browserstack/selenium as smoke tests, but it should not be the bulk as that is too painful and so is TDD. 

Cypress for Automated Testing: A Comparison

By Tiffany Le-Nguyen

Cypress for Automated Testing: A Comparison

An overview of popular end to end test and automation frameworks. Simple explanations of what the differences are amidst confusing names and why you should use Cypress. Presentation and accompanying blog post written for Expedia initially.

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