Hapi JS Overview

Why Node?

  • Extremely High Performance
  • Quick to become productive
  • Tooling is getting MUCH better
  • Less development overhead
  • Most if not all server platforms support Node
  • Large enterprise platforms are switching to Node
    • LinkedIn
    • GoDaddy
    • Netflix
    • Google


  • Duh, NodeJS Server Framework

  • Developed by Walmart Mobile Team
  • Typically used for API development
  • Favors configuration over code


  • Node by itself is low-level

  • Hapi as a framework makes working with Node easier
  • Robust, stable and full featured
  • Easy to get up and running
  • Development Team created a plugin architecture to provide modularization as well as deterministic routing algorithm
  • Philosophy of the team is development should be fun
  • Actively maintained

Plugin Architecture

Hapi allows for self contained modules to be registered and used across the application providing functionality for things such as error handling, logging, testing, security, caching, etc.


graph of flat lines for memory and

CPU consumption throughout Thanksgiving day at Walmart

Who is using it?

  • PayPal
  • Macys
  • WalMart
  • Yahoo
  • Many others...

Sample App Demo

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By tkssharma

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