Shopware - Things You Might NOT Know
INTERNAL discussion about Shopware6
Git workflows and Recommendations
A Git workshop for Transcosmos Technologic Arts. We discussed about Git Workflows, especially Gitflow, and some best practices in using Git
Elasticsearch - What we learned
Elasticsearch (ES) is not only a Search engine but also is a database that stores, and manages document-oriented and semi-structured data. There’s a bunch of reasons to use but a dozens of reason to avoid as well. I wants to share when we should and should not use it. Besides, I want to show lessons-learned and common mistakes in usage of ES such as Index Strategy, Data Mapping and so on. As a lead developer at NFQ Asia (8BIT Rockstars), his challenge is to build up many strong and confidence development teams. Together, we actualize amazing ideas of Startup companies at ASEAN.
How to apply CI/CD into Symfony application (P1)
Elasticsearch - What we learned
Deployment Process
SCRUM - Roles & Events
The fundamental knowledge about Scrum with its events and Roles in Scrum team
eBrand | Git & Migration
The workshop about getting started with GIT and migration.
For Boss
SEO & Fundamental of Digital Marketing