Merkle Trees

and Cryptographic Hash Functions

Tsvetan Dimitrov


  • Merkle Trees

    • Definition

    • Benefits

    • Use Cases

  • Sparse Merkle Trees

  • Cryptographic Hash Functions

  • SHA-256

  • Summary

Merkle Trees

Definition / 1

  • Also called Binary Hash Tree.

  • Leaves represent individual pieces of data, such as transactions in a blockchain.

Definition / 2

  • Each internal node in the tree represents the hash of the concatenation of its two child nodes.

  • This continues until a single root node is reached, which represents the root hash of the entire tree, called Merkle Root.

Definition / 3

  • Data can be audited using the Merkle Root in O(log n) time to the number of leaves. This is called the Merkle Proof.

  • The Merkle Path corresponds to recreating the branch containing the piece of data from the root to the piece of data being audited.


  • Validate data integrity.

  • Take small amount of disk space.

  • Small amount of information is sent across the network.

  • Efficient data format enabling fast verification.

  • Prove that giving tiny amounts of information across the network is all that is required for a transaction to be valid.

Use Cases in Blockchain

Other Use Cases

  • Git

  • Interplanetary File System, a peer-to-peer distributed protocol (Merkle DAG).

  • It's part of the technique that generates verifiable certificate transparency logs.

  • Amazon DynamoDB and Apache Cassandra use it during the data replication process to control discrepancies.

Sparse Merkle Trees

  • A standard Merkle Tree, except the contained data is indexed, and each data point is placed at the leaf that corresponds to that data point’s index.

  • Suitable for proving non-inclusion of a node in the tree.

  • Acts as a key-value store inside of a Merkle Tree.


Space Complexity and Caching

  • Efficient proofs of non-inclusion, but at the cost of huge trees (about 2²⁵⁶ hashes)

  • Luckily, caching is possible because H(null) is a constant value and so is H(H(null)).

  • A naive caching strategy could record every hash that is non-empty.

  • The goal is to capture branches down to the leaves by a constant.

Cryptographic Hash Functions

  • Avoid collisions for non malicious input.

  • Aim to detect accidental changes in data (CRCs).


Non Cryptographic Hash Functions / 1

Non Cryptographic Hash Functions / 2

  • Put objects into different buckets in a hash table with as few collisions as possible.


Properties of CHF

  • Deterministic.

  • Pre-Image Resistant.

  • Computationally Efficient.

  • Cannot be Reversed Engineered.

  • Collision Resistant.


CHF Algorithm Families



  • Produces a fixed-size, 256-bit hash value.

  • Part of the SHA-2 family of hash functions and designed by the National Security Agency (NSA).

  • Built with a Merkle-Damgård structure derived from a one-way compression function.

  • A brute-force attack would need to make 2²⁵⁶ attempts to generate the initial data.

Step 1: Padding Bits

  • Bits are appended to the original input to make it compatible with the hash function.

  • Total bits must always be 64 bits short of any multiple of 512.

  • The first bit added is 1 and the rest are zeroes.

Original Message

Padding Bits

Step 2: Padding Length

  • The length of the original message is padded to the result from step 1 and it is expressed in the form of 64 bits.

  • The final data to be hashed will now be a multiple of 512 (used mostly to increase the complexity of the function).

Original Message

Padding Bits

Input Length

Step 3: Initialize Chaining Variables

  • The entire message is broken down into blocks of 512 bits each (5 buffers of 32 bits each).

  • They are 5 words named A, B, C, D, and E.

  • The first iteration has fixed hex values.

A = 01 23 45 67

B = 89 ab cd ef

C = fe dc ba 98

D = 76 54 32 10

E = C3 D2 E1 F0

Step 4.1: Process Each Block

  • 512 bit block = 16 sub blocks * 32 bits each.

  • 4 rounds of operations, utilizing the ABCDE register, the 512 bit block and a constant named K[t].

  • Each round has 20 iterations: 4 * 20 = 80.

  • K[t] is an array of 80 elements.

Step 4.2: Process Each Block

  • On each iteration the following formula is calculated:

ABCDE = E + Process P + S⁵(A) + W(t) + K(t)
  • P = Non Linear Logical Process that changes each round.

  • S = Circular shift by 5 bits.

  • W(t) = A 32 bit string derived from an existing sub block.

  • K(t) = One of the 80 constants which change with every round.

Process P



  • Merkle Trees and Sparse Merkle Trees - definitions, use cases, benefits and drawbacks.

  • Differences between CHF and non CHF.

  • SHA-256 definition and algorithm explanation.


Merkle Trees and Cryptographic Hash Functions

By Tsvetan Dimitrov

Merkle Trees and Cryptographic Hash Functions

Introduction to software versioning and release management best practices

  • 67