Unlabeled x AI

The love

that dare not speak its name




Why - Unlabeled

    • International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia
    • 17 May


WHY - Painters

  • 1475 - 1564

  • Italian, Sculpture, painting, architecture, poetry

  • likely Gay

  • 1452 – 1519

  • Italian, Painting, Drawing, Engineering, Science, Sculpture, Architecture

  • likely Gay

  • 1693 - 1766

  • Chinese, painting, calligraphy, literature

  • likely Bisexual

  • 1571– 1610

  • Italian, Painting

  • likely Gay

WHY - Poets

  • c. 630 – c. 570 BCE

  • Greek, Poet

  • likely Lesbian

  • 1854 – 1900

  • British, Author, Poet, Playwright

  • incarcerated 25 May 1895 - 18 May 1897

  • likely Gay

  • 1716 – 1797

  • Chinese, Poet, Author, Painter

  • likely Bisexual

WHY - Unbiased AI


  • way of working
  • way of thinking
  • way of communication


  1. Potential LGBTQ+ Artists
  2. Back to live
  3. Work together





How - Unlabeled x AI

How - General

How - Data

  1. WikiArt.org
  2. List authors
  3. Go to author page
  4. If painter - proceed
  5. List arts
  6. Go to art page
  7. Web scrape (beautiful soup): art image (as is), description, tags, title

How - Data

How - Data

  1. WikiArt.org
  2. List authors
    • ​​Pull death year - filter by 100 years rule
    • Filter by artist genre, painting school, art movement etc.
  3. Go to author page
  4. If painter - proceed
    • ​​We can't use pictures of art, because they (c) belong to picture taker, applicable especially to monuments
  5. List arts
  6. Go to art page
  7. Web scrape (beautiful soup): art image (as is), description, tags, title
    • ​​skip if video/3d image/other media

Create visual contents using Computer Vision

A new form of Art: AI Inceptionism

Too little is known about how patterns are represented inside the networks.

Inceptionism consists of a set of methods to visualize which patterns are considered meaningful by the network.



Deep Dreaming

Iteratively enhancing what the neural network has learned about

the subject of the given image.


How - AI

Boy with a basket of fruit, Caravaggio

Network type: VGG19

 Layer: Block 5

Network type: VGG19

 Layer: Block 4

Death outside the head, Paul Eluard

Network type: VGG19

 Layer: Block 5

Network type: VGG19

 Layer: Block 4

Find the best visual content match for  a given poetry

Natural Language Processing Techniques

Text to Image

Generative Advertisal Network

Output quality model was too abstract to shape it as a solution to this problem 

Images from Text

Natural Language Processing  (final solution)

From poetry to visual content

In places where plants cannot grow easily without sunlight, moss can grow green and show beautiful youth. The moss flower is the size of a grain of rice, and like the peony of the country's beauty and fragrance, it also relies on the power of its own life to self-improve and bloom. Flowers and plants have different moods, depending on whether they love warmth or coolness, just like moss asking red leaves, what is the sunset.





Design V1

Design V2



Pacthes on Denim

Design V5

Unalebeld x AI V2

  • what can be better
  • what can be new to add (DE-LL 2)


Generating images using Text

  • Google open AI released a tool to generate images according to any input text.
  • DALL-E is built by learning the visual relation between images as well as how language relates with images. 

Only what is fine, and finely conceived, can feed Love. But anything will feed Hate (Oscar Wilde)

Only what is fine, and finely conceived, can feed Love. But anything will feed Hate (Oscar Wilde)

Tech Tag

  • apache-airflow==2.1.1
  • AWS
  • boto3==1.17.49
  • Flask==1.1.2
  • Jinja2==2.11.3
  • numpy==1.20.1
  • pandas==1.2.2
  • pyarrow==3.0.0
  • pylint==2.7.4
  • pytest==6.2.3



Take Aways

  • think big
  • be crazy
  • get started

Charles Gill (prosecuting): What is "the love that dare not speak its name"?

Wilde: "The love that dare not speak its name" in this century is such a great affection of an elder for a younger man as there was between David and Jonathan, such as Plato made the very basis of his philosophy, and such as you find in the sonnets of Michelangelo and Shakespeare. It is that deep spiritual affection that is as pure as it is perfect. It dictates and pervades great works of art, like those of Shakespeare and Michelangelo, and those two letters of mine, such as they are. It is in this century misunderstood, so much misunderstood that it may be described as "the love that dare not speak its name", and on that account of it I am placed where I am now. It is beautiful, it is fine, it is the noblest form of affection. There is nothing unnatural about it. It is intellectual, and it repeatedly exists between an older and a younger man, when the older man has intellect, and the younger man has all the joy, hope and glamour of life before him. That it should be so, the world does not understand. The world mocks at it, and sometimes puts one in the pillory for it.

What - Story

Design V1



Tote Bags

Design V2

Pocket Love

Pocket Love



Design V4

Fluid LGBTQ+ Artists

  • Gerda Wegener,           L, Danish,1886-1940
  • Salvador Dalí,                  B, Spanish, 1904-1989
  • Frida Kahlo,                     B, Mexico, 1907-1954
  • Lucian Freud,                  G, British, 1922-2011
  • Andy Warhol,                  G, USA, 1928-1987
  • Félix González-Torres,   G, USA, 1957-1996
  • Keith Haring,                   G, USA, 1958-1990
  • Leonardo da Vinci,         G, Italian, 1452-1519
  • Michelangelo,                 G, Italian, 1475-1567
  • Francis Bacon,                B, British, 1561-1626
  • Caravaggio,                     G, Italian, 1571-1610
  • ZHENG Xie,                      B, Chinese, 1693-1766
  • Jean-Michel Basquiat,    B, USA, 1960-1988

Why - Previous LGBTQ+ Painters

  • Michel Foucault,   G, French, 1926 - 1984
  • K. Sello Duiker,     G, South African, 1974 - 2005
  • Nkunzi Zandile Nkabinde, L, South African, 1975 - 2018
  • Koleka Putuma,    Q, South African, 1993 - now


  • Sappho,                 L, Greek, c. 630 – c. 570 BCE
  • Oscar Wilde,         G, British, 1854 – 1900
  • YUAN Mei,             B, Chinese, 1716 – 1797
  • Shakespeare,        B, British, 1564 - 1616
  • Plato,                      ?, Greek, c. 428/427 – c. 248/247 BCE

Why - Previous LGBTQ+ Poets

- c. 630 – c. 570 BCE

- Greek

- Poet

- L

  • 1854 – 1900

  • British

  • Author, Poet, Playwright

  • Aestheticism

  • G

  • 1716 – 1797

  • Chinese

  • Poet, Author, Painter

  • B

  • 1564-1616

  • British

  • Playwright, poet, actor

  • B?

  • 1571– 1610

  • Italian

  • Painting

  • Chiaroscuro

  • G


  • 1693 - 1766

  • Chinese

  • painting, calligraphy, literature

  • B


  • 1452 – 1519

  • Italian

  • Painting, Drawing, Engineering, Science, Sculpture, Architecture

  • High Renaissance

  • G

Da Vinci


  • 1475 - 1564

  • Italian

  • Sculpture, painting, architecture, poetry

  • G


  • 1907 - 1954

  • Mexican

  • Painting

  • B

Frida Kahlo

  • 1904-1989

  • Spanish

  • Painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, writing, film, and jewelry

  • B

Salvador Dalí

CV - Style Transfer

- Transfer A using B

- Combine A and B

- enhance surreal patterns

- Inceptionism





Legal matters

  • https://www.wikiart.org/en/terms-of-use
  • artist dead 100+ years rule = public domain
  • copyright of picture taker (if applicable)
  • picture distorted = new creation

Unlabeled x AI: The Love Dare Not Speak Its Name.

By Qiang MENG

Unlabeled x AI: The Love Dare Not Speak Its Name.

  • 73