The Best of Both Worlds:

A Git-Based CMS for Static Sites

Jessica Parsons

About me

Traditional CMS Architecture

writer edits → CMS writes to DB

visitor arrives → query DB to build page

💖 Benefits

  • Powerful and feature-rich
  • Easy content editing
  • Widespread use

💔 Challenges

  • Server-bound
  • Heavy-handed
  • Separate workflow from dev

Static Site Generators

Replacing a Piece of the Puzzle

writer edits → CMS writes to DB

visitor arrives → query DB to build page

developer edits → pre-builds site as files

visitor arrives → request finished file


Taking the traditional CMS and...


  • Built in Ruby
    • Markdown for content
    • Yaml for config & post fields
    • Liquid for templating
  • Originally made for blogging
  • Community plugins and themes
  • Official SSG of GitHub Pages

So many more!

  • Similar to Jekyll, but built in Go
    • Markdown for content
    • YAML, TOML, or JSON  for config
    • Go native templating
  • Reputation for speed
  • Rising in popularity
  • Not as mature, but docs are improving
  • Several documentation themes:

Some are made just for docs

  • Built in Python
    • Content in ReStructuredText
    • Jinja templating
  • Variety of output formats, including LaTeX, ePub, and manual pages
  • Used by Read the Docs
  • Built in Python
    • Content in Markdown
    • Jinja templating
    • YAML config
  • Pre-templated built-in themes
  • Navigation in alpha order, or by config
  • Built in JavaScript (Node)
    • Content in Markdown or AsciiDoc
    • Output as website or ebook
    • Pre-templated, with search
  • Paid, hosted version available at
  • Open source "toolchain" repo on GitHub
  • Made for API documentation
  • Built in Ruby
    • Based on Middleman
    • Content in Markdown
    • Pre-templated
  • Check the wiki for more detailed docs

💖 Benefits

  • Free, high-quality hosting
  • Content separated from tools
  • Fits with dev workflow
  • If open source, visitors can fix typos :)

💔 Challenges

  • Not as full-featured
  • Content must be written in code

(yes, markdown counts as code)

Only one piece of the puzzle



Assembling the puzzle



Assembling the puzzle



Assembling the puzzle



Assembling the puzzle



The missing piece!




Several possibilities

Some are tool-specific

Jekyll Admin

Some are tool-specific

GitBook Editor


Some are tool-specific

Some are proprietary

Seeking a broader solution

  • Adaptable to multiple generators
  • Open source
  • Extensible & customizable
  • Creates a UI-wrapper for Git functions
    • Works with the GitHub API
  • Single-page app made with React.js
    • Can host with the site or separately
  • Extensible and customizable
    • Create custom widgets and styled previews
  • Open source
    • Enthusiastic and growing community
  • Requires GitHub API
    • Can be public, private, or self-hosted
  • Works with some generators better than others
  • Authentication without Netlify is undocumented
    • Actually, a lot is still undocumented!

Caveats, for now

Let's continue the conversation!



(on Twitter, Slack, GitHub, etc.)

Thank you!

The Best of Both Worlds: A Git-Based CMS for Static Sites

By Jessica Parsons

The Best of Both Worlds: A Git-Based CMS for Static Sites

API documentation is necessarily a collaboration between writers and developers, and merging the disparate workflows of these groups can be a challenge. With static site generators that build sites from Git-committed markdown code, text-editor-bound developers are starting to show interest in joining the party. On the other hand, technical writers still reach for a tool where they can focus on writing, where they don’t have to think about whether they need to have a space in their ## Heading to make it format properly, and where they don’t have to worry about esoteric Git commands. Netlify CMS helps bridge this gap, by providing a simple UI wrapper for Git functions, with a real-time markdown preview. All actions in Netlify CMS are translated to regular git commands on the repo, viewable and editable by traditional Git functionality as well as the editor UI.

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