Living Documents
Evolving Documents
IETF105 - Montreal, 2019-0 V0.1
Checkpoint Drafts
Checkpoint Documents
Note Well
- This is an idea / concept
- It's not a hill worth dying on
- .... far more discussion than we'd been expecting
- Many different use cases
- One size does not fit all
- One solution will not fit all
- Possibly one solution suitable for many though
Stable Checkpoint is not carved in stone...
RSEs views...
- Interesting idea that has potential to improve the quality of RFCs published
- If this means fewer RFCs are published, that's OK
- None of this is in the official purview of the RFC Editor (but we really like the idea of producing ever-higher quality technical documents)
Use Cases
- Operational documents
- WG Support documents
- Implementation documents
- External documents
- Protocol documents
Operational Documents
- This is where this started
- These are "advice", not protocol
- Changes frequently, not "worth" creating new RFC
- V1: "you should filter routes using IRR"
- V2: "you should filter routes using IRR and RPKI"
- V3: "you should rank RPKI data over IRR"
Terminology documents:
- RFC7719 - DNS Terminology (Dec 2015)
- RFC8499 - DNS Terminology (Jan 2019)
- draft-hoffman-dns-terminology-ter-01...
- Hitchhikers Guide to... [SIP, DNS]
Implementation Documents
- QUIC / HTTPBIS name specific drafts as "implementation" drafts.
- Github document indicates which features are tested at each interop event.
- TSV tried to use Status Reports in the datatracker for similar functions.
- A standard way of indicating the "state of play" for new implementers would be useful.
This is a different use case - not covered here.
WG Support documents
- Use case documents
- Requirements documents
- Lessons learned (we tried X, if failed like this...)
- Long term documents
Probably covered...
External documents
- This was an earlier use-case, based on an earlier mechanism
- A "stable" link to an external thing
- Not addressed in this design
Not covered
"Protocol" Documents
- Don't do this
- Trying to figure out how to mitigate this
AKA - end runs around the process...
Explicitly not supported
History / background
Abandoned mechanisms...
Abandoned mechanisms...
DataTracker Tag
- Easy to do
- Doesn't imply too much stability
- Hard for external people to understand
Currently proposed...
Encoding in the name
- Easy to do
- Follows the "name changes when adopted" paradigm
- draft-bob-grow-bar-19 -> draft-ietf-grow-bar-00
- draft-ietf-grow-bar-12 -> GROW-5 version 2
- draft-ietf-grow-bar-22 -> GROW-5 version 3
- GROW-5 redirect to latest (GROW-5 version 3)
- RFCs may not normatively reference IDs.
- RFCs MAY NOT reference checkpoint docs
- "checkpoints" never become RFCs
- the "underlying" document might
- Easy for external people to understand
- The term "checkpoint" may still imply more than intended
DRAFT disclaimer...
* This ID reflects the understanding of the WG that this
* version is stable enough to experiment with. Feedback
* will be considered by the WG, and potentially
* incorporated into an RFC (if published).
* It *has not* received IETF review, it is not an RFC, it
* is not set in stone. It is a snapshot in time of the
* current views, and is, like any ID, subject to change.
* This version of the document may not be used as
* reference material or cited. If you build a test / PoC
* implementation from this understand that it is all
* subject to change, YMMV, no warranty expressed or
* implied, etc etc etc.
If so, how so?
- A web page listing these?
- A tag in the datatracker?
Encoding in the name?
- draft-checkpoint-grow-03
- checkpoint-ietf-grow-03
- GROW-3
- draft-bob-grow-bar-19 -> draft-ietf-grow-bar-00
- draft-ietf-grow-bar-12 -> GROW-5 version 1
- draft-ietf-grow-bar-22 -> GROW-5 version 2
- GROW-5 always redirect to latest (GROW-5 version 3)
- If draft-ietf-grow-bar becomes RFC, GROW-5 redirects to that RFC
- Worth further discussion?
- What does "marking" a document mean?
- How do we mark a document?
- What about only for Ops Area?
Living Documents Evolving Documents IETF105 - Montreal, 2019-0 V0.1 Checkpoint Drafts Checkpoint Documents
By wkumari
- 235