Sergio Alexander Florez Galeano
System engineer and passionate entrepreneur, with talent and experience building digital business. Speaker, researcher, athlete, gamer, and geek 100%.
A full-stack, open source platform for building web and mobile apps in JavaScript
100% pure JavaScript
(Front-end and Back-end)
One codebase, all platforms
(Web, iOS, Android)
Reactive Apps
(Real time)
Open and extensible
(MIT - License)
Build advanced apps quickly with a small team.
1) Command Line Tool (Create, edit, deploy and build apps)
2) View Layer - Blaze + SpaceBars
Blaze + SpaceBars
3) Meteor Livequery (Family of live database connectors)
MongoDB, MySQL, Postgres, Oracle...
Transforms it into real-time databases
4) Full stack package system -
5) Build System (Cordova/Phonegap)
Desktop / Browser
Refresh button / Update
Reactive / Live Updates
Individual sessions
Multiuser collaboration
We want to focus on the app, not the infrastructure
We want to focus on the app, not the infrastructure
Distributed Data Protocol, is a simple protocol for fetching structured data from a server, and receiving live updates when that data changes.
Like "REST for websockets".
Optimistic UI
curl | sh
1) meteor --help
2) meteor create appName
3) meteor list
4) meteor add packageName
5) meteor remove packageName
7) meteor run android/ios
6) meteor build --server=url
8) meteor deploy url
9) meteor mongo
10) meteor
meteor create --example localmarket
meteor create --example todos
Over 200 meetup groups
Over 6000 community-authored packages
Ranked in top 15 on GitHub
Angular Meteor:
Wakun (Trello-like kanban)
Meteor + ReactJs
Official Meteor Tutorial:
Official Meteor Docs:
Meteor Forums
Discover Meteor (Book)
Stack Overflow
Explore meteor packages
Meteor Learning
IRC (Channel #meteor)
An introdution to meteor
By Sergio Alexander Florez Galeano
A full-stack, open source platform for building web and mobile apps in JavaScript
System engineer and passionate entrepreneur, with talent and experience building digital business. Speaker, researcher, athlete, gamer, and geek 100%.