Joseph Barriento@Unsplash
Why we need this?
It's all about web
Easy to access Resource
- Computation (Smart Contract)
- Storage (Transaction Record)
- 2.0 on server (may frangible)
- 3.0 on chain (strong)
Silo Effect
We have a lot of things, but not easy to use
Pain Points
- 微信支付 → 支付宝、银联卡…
- Images on Apple cloud → online photo editor
- Equipment in Diablo III → Skin on LoL
- Overwatch on PSN → Zelda on Switch
- Zelda on Switch 1 month → Overwatch... more
Everything is stored as 0s and 1s on the web,
but not exchangeable.
We may not change this in Web 2.0,
but Web 3.0
on server
on chain
How to bridge
Let a "trust" one help us...
Asset exchange
- Traditional
- Buy a house
- backing by government
- Web 2.0
- Returns goods bought from Taobao
- backing by Alibaba
- Web 3.0
- BTC → Any digital things
- backing by ?
Zamyatin, A., Harz, D., Lind, J., Panayiotou, P., Gervais, A., & Knottenbelt, W. (2019). XCLAIM: Trustless, Interoperable, Cryptocurrency-Backed Assets. 2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). doi: 10.1109/sp.2019.00085
Zamyatin, A., Harz, D., Lind, J., Panayiotou, P., Gervais, A., & Knottenbelt, W. (2019). XCLAIM: Trustless, Interoperable, Cryptocurrency-Backed Assets. 2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). doi: 10.1109/sp.2019.00085
The account you rely on
Rely on Multi-sig
A group of accounts you rely on
It works
but semi-centralized
the bridge [on chain]
Web 2.0
Web 3.0
consensus: "trust" each others
- On server
- On chain
- On file
- On database
- On queue
- On state
- On request handler
- On runner
- On module of chain
- On smart contract
The smart contract on chain that we trust
The modules on chain that we trust
Weber, Ingo & Lu, Qinghua & Tran, An Binh & Deshmukh, Amit & Gorski, Marek & Strazds, Markus. (2019). A Platform Architecture for Multi-Tenant Blockchain-Based Systems. 10.1109/ICSA.2019.00019.
- check parentHash
- number → calc_difficulty == difficulty
- hashimoto(bare_hash, nonce) → calc_mixHash == mixHash
bare_hash: keccak( rlp( header without seal ) )
The event occurs on validate chain that we trust
The modules on chain that we trust
It works
and on chain
Rely on Multi-Sig
● Works on any chain
even without contracts
● High Pledge Cost
too wast for small tx
too dangerous for big tx
● Not for NFT
Rely on SPV
● Support low liquidity asset
and NFT
● No Pledge Cost
● Not for BTC
(solved by WBTC)
How can we trust the relayer?
Q & A
Photo by Carlos Arthur M.R on Unsplash
Let us help you exchange asset
See you on Darwinia Network
Thanks You
mail to: zhoujing@itering.com
Darwinia Chain Relay
By Antonio Yang
Darwinia Chain Relay
Darwinia Web seminar in Nanjing(南京) LICENSE: CC-BY-SA-ND yanganto@gmail.com
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