Window and Web APIs

Window and Web APIs

Window Object:

  • The window object is associated to a tab in browser,
  • It has a lot of methods and properties for different purposes,
  • All the methods and properties on "window" object are directly accessible in browser-side javascript code, without importing anything,
  • These methods are also called Browser APIs

Web APIs:

  • There are certain Functions which can be used directly in Javascript code,
  • Are also called as Third party APIs
  • List of all the Web APIs:

Let's see what all interesting things are possible using different WebAPIs and Window methods

Window and Web APIs

You can grab user's current location,




If the user is moving, you can code it to send regular location updates at a fixed time interval,

You can store all the location updates, in localStorage as well

Window and Web APIs

You can grab user's file input and show a preview on UI using FileReader:


const reader = new FileReader();

Window and Web APIs

You can grab user's audio input and convert it to text using:



You can store it to localStorage as well

Window and Web APIs

You can record user's audio input and play it back using:

window.SpeechRecognition(), and localStorage


You can store it to localStorage as well

Window and Web APIs

You can grab user's camera input  for image using:


  video: true

You can store it to localStorage as well

Window and Web APIs

You can grab user's camera input  for image, show image on UI using <img> tag


  video: true

You can store it to localStorage as well

Window and Web APIs

You can grab user's camera input  video and audio using:


  video: true,

  audio: true

You can store both audio and video to localStorage as well

Window and Web APIs

You can record user's screen using:

const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({
      video: true


You can store the recorded video to localStorage as well

Window and Web APIs

You can record user's screen along with audio using:

const displayStream = await navigator


.getDisplayMedia({ video: true });

audioStream = await navigator


.getUserMedia({ audio: true });​


You can store the recorded video and audio to localStorage as well

Window and Web APIs

  • Returns a Promise that resolves with a BatteryManager object providing information about the system's battery,
  • Returns the preferred language of the user, usually a two-letter lowercase string such as "en" for English or "fr" for French,
  • Returns a string representing the platform of the browser, such as "Win32" for Windows 32-bit, "MacIntel" for Macintosh Intel CPUs, etc.,
  • Returns the user agent string for the current browser, which can be parsed to obtain information about the browser and the device,
  • Returns the effective type of the connection meaning one of 'slow-2g', '2g', '3g', or '4g'. This can help you tailor your content or features based on the user's network speed,
  • Returns a Boolean indicating whether the browser is in online mode or not, allowing you to check if the user has an active internet connection.

Window and Web APIs

  • window.innerWidth: Returns the width of the browser's content area (viewport) in pixels, including scrollbars if they are visible.
  • window.innerHeight: Returns the height of the browser's content area (viewport) in pixels, including scrollbars if they are visible.
  • document.documentElement.clientWidth: Returns the width of the viewport in pixels, excluding the scrollbar if present.
  • document.documentElement.clientHeight: Returns the height of the viewport in pixels, excluding the scrollbar if present.
  • window.scrollX or window.pageXOffset: Returns the number of pixels the document has been scrolled horizontally.
  • window.scrollY or window.pageYOffset: Returns the number of pixels the document has been scrolled vertically.


  • document.documentElement.scrollTop: Returns the number of pixels the content of an element is scrolled vertically from the top.
  • document.documentElement.scrollHeight: Returns the entire height of the document, including content not visible on the screen due to scrolling.
  • event.clientX: Returns the horizontal coordinate (relative to the viewport) of the mouse pointer when an event is triggered.
  • event.clientY: Returns the vertical coordinate (relative to the viewport) of the mouse pointer when an event is triggered.

Window and Web APIs

  • Few other useful window methods:
// Scroll to the top of the page
window.scrollTo(0, 0);

// Open a new window with specific dimensions"", "_blank", "width=500,height=500"); 

// Close the current window

// Go back one page

// Reload the page

// Print the current URL

Window and Web APIs

  • Few other useful document methods:
// Print the current URL

// document.referrer: Returns the URL of the 
// document that referred the current document.

 // Get the current title
 // Set a new title
document.title = "New Title";

// Print the document's root element
// usually the <html> element

 // Print the <head> element

 // Print the <body> element

Window and Web APIs

By Yash Priyam

Window and Web APIs

  • 136