Hyper-Text Markup Language.

HTML - Introduction and History

HyperText - Text connected to a link.

Any text available on the internet is inevitably connected to a “link” that is the “address” of that “document” that contains that text, on the network called the “internet”.


Markup - A way to describe a text’s formatting.

When you add any extra property/properties to a piece of text, it gets marked up.

Markdown” is a library implementing markup, created by John Gruber - 2004


Language - A set of rules to write in a particular manner for a particular purpose.

HTML’s Timeline

First written in 1993, by Sir Tim Berners-Lee

(also the creator of the Web), for scientific documents.

Was based on SGML - Standard Generalized Mark-up Language.


By 2000s, it’s 4th (4.0) version came.


Current - HTML 5 - released in 2012.


Ref: History of HTML

Authority on HTML

1996 -

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) maintained the HTML Spec.


2004 - WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) began work on HTML5.


2019 - WHATWG became the the sole publisher of the HTML and DOM standards. Thus the maintainer of HTML Spec.

HTML Today

  • We’re working with HTML 5.
  • An HTML file is also called a “document” because of historical reasons.
  • And is called a “page” in modern times.
  • One HTML file = one page on the web (webpage).

Document - Structure, Tags and Attributes

HTML Doc Structure

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">

    <!--- Code not visible on browser --->

    <!--- Visible UI code--->



  • Added on top of every HTML file.
  • If present, the browser executes the code in standards mode (new),
  • if not present browser executes the code in quirks mode (old).
  • It’s not an HTML element. It's a special kind of node called "doctype".
  • Ref: Quirks and Standards mode.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!doctype html>

HTML Tags and Attributes

  • Root element,
  • Not required, if not given will be implied.
  • Has “lang” attribute, that defines default language of the document.
<html lang="attribute">


Lang attribute:

  • It’s value is a two- or three-letter ISO language code (en, fr, hi) followed by the region (CA, US, UK, IN).
  • The region is optional.
  • Language declaration enables screen readers, search engines, and translation services (like Google Translate) to know the document language.
  • Can be used with any html tag.

Contains all the visible UI (user interface) elements of the document.

Contains all the metadata about the document - everything that’s not visible to the user (UI).


The information here is super important for SEO and




Difference between HTML Tag and HTML Element ?


    This is a div tag
      Inside div 1

    This is another div tag

    div 1
    <span>This is a div tag</span>


div, p and span tags 


  • Check Element Inspector for UI structure.
  • Check console for any errors and warnings.
  • <p> tags cannot be nested.


HTML Attributes

Key-values added in opening tag.




can appear on any tag:

  1. id,

  2. class,
  3. style,
  4. role,
  5. contenteditable
  6. data etc.

values can only be true or false:

  1. disabled,

  2. checked,
  3. autocomplete
  4. readonly etc.

a set of predefined values  

  1. type etc.


  1. Some attribute values are case sensitive, eg: id, class

class, and id attributes 


<div class="container">
   - I'm <span class="name-span">
              Yash Priyam 

  <p class="para1 info" id="one">
    - I am a software developer.

  <p class="para2 info" id="two">
    - And I love basketball.

<div class="container">
   - I'm <span class="name-span">
              Yash Priyam 

  <p class="para1 info" id="one">
    - I am a software developer.

  <p class="para2 info" id="two">
    - And I love basketball.


Connecting CSS and HTML


/* index.css */
.name-span {
/*   class based styling */

span {
/*   tag based styling */

#one {
/*   id based styling */ 
<div class="container">
   - I'm <span class="name-span">
              Yash Priyam 

  <p class="para1 info" id="one">
    - I am a software developer.

  <p class="para2 info" id="two">
    - And I love basketball.


Starting with CSS:


/* index.css */
.name-span {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;

span {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;

#one {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;

width, height


** can be set on any element


.rebecca-purple {
  background-color: purple;

.gray {
  /* hsl(144, 3%, 77%) */
  background-color: #c3c6c432;

.green {
  background-color: hsl(180deg, 70%, 18%);

.red {
  /* hsl(0deg, 70%, 18%);*/
  background-color: #4e0e0e;

.yellow {
  /*hsl(60deg, 70%, 80%);*/
  background-color: rgb(240, 240, 168);

.blue {
  /* hsl(210,70.6%,80%) */
  background-color: rgb(65.9%, 80%, 94.1%);
<div class="wrapper">
      <div id="box1" class="demo-box rebecca-purple"></div>
      <div id="box2" class="demo-box green"></div>
      <div id="box3" class="demo-box red"></div>
      <div id="box5" class="demo-box blue"></div>
      <div id="box6" class="demo-box gray"></div>
<div class="container">
   - I'm <span class="name-span">
              Yash Priyam 

  <p class="para1 info" id="one">
    - I am a software developer.

  <p class="para2 info" id="two">
    - And I love basketball.



/* index.css */
.name-span {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;

span {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;

#one {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;

Add random background-colors to each of the selectors in css


Add background color on the entire background (page)​ 


By Yash Priyam


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