Display Methods in JavaScript

Display Methods in JavaScript

Interaction Methods:

  • alert - just shows a message,
  • prompt - takes user input and returns input,
  • confirm - shows "OK" and "Cancel" button, returns "true" for "OK" and "false" "Cancel"
const userInput = window.prompt("Please enter your name:", "John Doe");

const confirmDeletion = window.confirm(`Are you sure you want to delete ${userInput}?`);
if (confirmDeletion) {
    alert("Item deleted successfully!");
} else {
    alert("Deletion cancelled.");

Display Methods in JavaScript

Interaction Methods:

  • All these methods are modal,
  • they pause script execution and don’t allow the visitor to interact with the rest of the page until the window has been dismissed.

Display Methods in JavaScript

By Yash Priyam

Display Methods in JavaScript

  • 101