Community Driven
Self-development 2

Hot Ideas & Cold Drinks Warsaw #1, 2017

Marcin Zajkowski

Umbraco Unicorn, Trainer and Certified Master @ The Cogworks

Team, Technology & Knowledge Wizard (CKO, CIO) / PedagoGEEK @ WOW School

Me @


Are you happy?

What can bring us (devs / IT peeps)
a happiness

Top 10 of the most worthless Windows Phone apps :)

= What motivates us?

How do I become a Unicorn?

My starting (main) 'advantages'

  • Introverted as hell (always tried to "hide" it)
  • Really bad programmer
  • Focused on everything other than code
    (basketball, girls, parties etc.)

Couple years later...

1st Poland Umbraco Meetup @ 8th April 2015, Cracow

1st Poland Umbraco Meetup

  • 10 GREAT people!
  • From: London, Gdańsk, Cracow, Białystok and Warsaw
  • The Cogworks, Umbitious, SICC, Microsoft, Freelancers
  • 2x Beers, 10x Mad Dogs, NaN Vodka, x pizzas (x → ∞)

What can you do?

Umbraco Unicorns

Umbraco CMS army of people willing to help you everytime, with everything and everywhere. They live on OUR, Twitter, SO and other lands. Be aware of Unicorns. Be Unicorn for other poeple.


For what? Why?

Thank You!

Follow me: @zajkowskimarcin

Community Driven Self-Development v2

By Marcin Zajkowski

Community Driven Self-Development v2

Why does community really matter? Can being active and helpful bring you closer to your life (and business) goals? How open source software and knowledge sharing may help us to stop being introverted?

  • 3,513