Cracow Umbraco Meetup #2

Kraków, Czerwiec 2017

Marcin Zajkowski

Umbraco Developer, Trainer and Certified Master @ The Cogworks

Team, Technology & Knowledge Wizard (CKO, CIO) / PedagoGEEK @ WOW School

Me @


Survey + Freebies

Yet another IT conference...


Of course

  • 3 full days of Umbraco + more*
  • A ton of amazing sessions and speakers
  • Great workshops

but also...

  • Mindful mornings
  • Yoga Workouts
  • Boat Trip!
  • Pre-party, between-party, after-party
  • Beer PR
  • Chilli Vodka 😈
  • #cgRunners
  • Bingo (with massages, offend-o-bags, Donald Trump and a car... flipped ;))


Takeaways / notes

  • Sentiment analysis from Azure services can be integrated with Umbraco Forms - why not?!
  • Blueprints - Editors will love it!
  • Trainings with new Examine masterclass
  • Meetups promotion on main Our Umbraco page (wohoo!) + contributors list
  • More accessibility improvements in the backoffice + MBOGA


Codegarden 2017 Themes

  • Happiness and Community
  • Beyond Web
  • Collaboration
  • Security
  • E-Commerce
  • Editor Experience


Codegarden 2017 Workshops

  • Umbraco Cloud
  • Unit Testing Umbraco (TDD + BDD)
  • uCommerce
  • Lego Scrum!

World's Greatest Umbraco Unit Testing Workshop of 2017

Presented By
Anthony Dang & Lars-Erik Aabech

Party #1


Building Core Strength.

Retreat Status.


  • New StarterKit
  • Accessibility features
  • Umbraco Lessons
  • Nested Content  Core
  • Documentation++
  • Blueprints
  • more!



  • v8-alpha release ASAP (summer?)
  • Variants + Segments won't be a part of the release
  • There will be a migration path from v7 - it won't be possible to easily upgrade

Content and development teams.

Maybe some yoga meanwhile?!

EU politics in 24 languages.

Adventures in RWD by @smashingmag.



What's next?

23rd - 25th of

May 2018

See you there?

Cracow Umbraco Meetup #2

By Marcin Zajkowski

Cracow Umbraco Meetup #2

  • 2,842