Content Creation in a Gutenberg Era

WordCamp Los Angeles 2018

Presented by: Matt Cromwell

@learnwithmattc Content Creation in a Gutenberg Era WordCamp Los Angeles 2018 Presented by: Matt Cromwell @learnwithmattc

Content Creation in a Gutenberg Era -- WCLAX 2018

By Matt Cromwell

Content Creation in a Gutenberg Era -- WCLAX 2018

A new block-based editor (aka Gutenberg) is coming to WordPress 5.0 in 2018. This update will radically impact how you imagine and conceptualize your website content. We’ll cover what exactly Gutenberg is and how to prepare for it. The key takeaway is an understanding of how Gutenberg will affect your existing content, and how to create exciting new layouts with it in the future. Bonus: Free downloadable resources and demos will be provided. If you want to get ahead of the curve with Gutenberg and be empowered to do more with your website; this is a must-see talk. More resources found here:

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