
A micro emitter with pluggable executor

Mikael Karon < mikael.karon@ef.com>
EF Labs (Shanghai)

Emitter: What is it?

  • Devices which emit charged particles
  • Devices which emit electromagnetic radiation
  • Emitter, a device used in drip irrigation

That's not what I was looking for...

Emitter: what it is!

Sort of kind of like the node API

emitter.on(event, listener)
emitter.once(event, listener)
emitter.off(event, listener)
emitter.emit(event[, arg1][, arg2][, ...])

So what's different?

  • List based subscriptions
  • Custom emission executors

List what?

Why on earth would you not use arrays?

  • Faster when modifying in the middle
  • A lot faster in older engines
  • Probably yields better memory usage

Custom executor WTF bbq?

What can I do with it?

  • Passing same arguments to all subscribers
  • Passing the result from the previous subscriber to the next one
  • Filter subscribers during emission
  • Make subscribers async!
  • Implement other side effects (such as count limit)



By Mikael Karon