Hi, I'm Alejandro (@a0viedo on social media)
I work on systems
I'm a GDE for the Web platform
I co-organize NodeConf Argentina
this talk is about the web
but first, a recap on passwords
NIST Special Publication 800-63. Appendix A., 2003
“[Passwords] just don’t meet the challenge for anything you really want to secure.”
Bill Gates
“An investigation into users’ considerations towards using password managers”
Fagan, Albayram, Khan and Buck - 2017
More “users” than “non-users” in our sample report higher technical expertise, especially in the area of computer security, which could reflect an actual higher technical proficiency among “users”
enter a new era
Client requests a challenge for the user
Server sends a challenge
Client uses Webauthn to get information about the authenticator and signs the challenge