Computational Biology

(BIOSC 1540)

Jan 30, 2025

Lecture 04B

Gene prediction



  • CByte 01 is live and will expire on Feb 1
  • CByte 02 is live and will expire on Feb 7
  • CByte 03 will be released on Feb 1


  • Assignment P01C is due Saturday (Feb 1)



ATP until the next reward:  1,783

After today, you should have a better understanding of

Problem formulation of gene prediction

Gene prediction identifies protein-coding regions in a genome using computational methods

Gene prediction is essential for genome annotation and understanding gene function.

Predicted genes

DNA sequences contain a mix of coding and noncoding regions.

Early computational gene prediction methods detected genes by recognizing characteristic sequence patterns

However, reliance on fixed patterns limited accuracy in complex genomes

In the early days (1980s), gene prediction was based on hardcoded rules

Fickett, J. W. (1982). Recognition of protein coding regions in DNA sequences. Nucleic acids research, 10(17), 5303-5318.

  • Codon position biases
  • Start codons (e.g., ATG)
  • Termination signals (e.g., TAA, TAG, TGA)
  • Transcription start sites (e.g., TATA box)

For example, they would search for

Autocorrelation of T in sequences



Relying on fixed patterns often leads to incorrect predictions

Many non-coding sequences contain patterns that mimic coding sequences, leading to high false positive rates

Not all genes follow the same start/stop codon rules, and promoter motifs are not always well-defined.

Some genes overlap or exist within other genes, making simple start/stop rules unreliable.

To improve accuracy, gene prediction must go beyond fixed patterns and incorporate statistical properties of real genes

After today, you should have a better understanding of

The fundamentals of probability and its role in modeling biological data

Conditional probability

Probabilistic Models Improve Gene Prediction

  • Codon bias: Some codons appear more frequently in real genes.
  • Sequence composition: GC content differences indicate coding regions.
  • Signal sequences: Start/stop codons, splice sites, and
    promoter motifs have variable strengths.

Instead of using fixed rules, we use probabilistic models that quantify uncertainty

These models assign probabilities based on multiple features:

Some events occur independently, while others depend on previous observations

Gene prediction inherently relies on dependencies between nucleotides, codons, and genomic regions

Independent Events: The probability of one event does not affect another

Example: Rolling a die twice—each roll is unaffected by the previous one

Dependent Events: The probability of one event depends on another

Example: A sequence with a high GC-ratio is more likely to belong to a coding region.

Motivating example: Suppose we want to predict whether a sequence is a gene using its GC content

Genes often have higher GC content that surrounding non-coding regions

However, not all GC-rich regions are genes, and not all genes are GC-rich

Our goal is to update our belief (i.e., probability) about "gene-ness" based on a region's GC content

Joint probability is the statistical measurement of two events occurring at the same time

P ( \text{gene} \vert \text{GC-rich} )

Probability of being GC-rich

Probability that a region is a gene given that it's GC-rich 

P(\text{gene} \cap \text{GC-rich})

Suppose I want to compute the probability of a region being both GC-rich and a gene

means "and" in set notation

P(\text{GC-rich}) P ( \text{gene} \vert \text{GC-rich} )

This is the (conditional) probability we want to know



Conditional probability allows us to refine dependent predictions based on new information

P ( \text{gene} \vert \text{GC-rich} ) = \frac{P(\text{gene} \cap \text{GC-rich})}{P(\text{GC-rich})}



Rearranging our equation allows us to compute the probability that a given region could be gene if it's GC-rich

If we have the following information available:

P(\text{gene} \cap \text{GC-rich})

Probability of a random region being a gene and GC-rich

Probability of a random region being GC-rich

We can compute these properties with known data

Challenge: Multiple signals can improve gene prediction

Why multiple signals?

  • A single feature like GC-richness helps, but not all genes are GC-rich, and non-gene regions can be GC-rich too.
  • Other signals include promoter motifs, codon bias, start/stop codons, etc.


  • Combine these signals to increase confidence in identifying gene regions.
  • Challenge: How do we do this probabilistically without getting overwhelmed?

After today, you should have a better understanding of

The fundamentals of probability and its role in modeling biological data

Bayes' theorem

Using direct conditional probability for many signals requires enumerating multi-way intersections

P(\text{Gene} \mid X) = \frac{P(\text{Gene} \cap X)}{P(X)}

Conditional probability for N signals,

For each new signal, you must compute a new, higher-dimensional intersection over the whole genome.

P(\text{Gene} \mid X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n) =
\frac{P(\text{Gene} \cap X_1 \cap X_2 \,\dots\, X_n)}{P(X_1 \cap X_2 \,\dots\, X_n)}

Conditional probability for one signal,


Enumerating multi-way intersections is cumbersome and lacks flexibility

Data Explosion:

  • 2 features → 4-way sets (Gene vs. not-Gene, X1X_1X1 vs. not-X1X_1X1, etc.)
  • 3 features → 8-way sets, and so on—this scales exponentially.

Changing Thresholds: If you redefine “GC-rich” from 60% to 65%, you have to recompute those entire intersections.

Interpretation Issues: Knowing the overlap doesn’t explain how each feature individually shifts the probability that we have a gene.

Bayes’ Theorem provides a more modular, flexible way to incorporate multiple signals

Conditional probability for N signals (and after some math)

P(\text{Gene} \mid X_1, \dots, X_n) \;\propto\; P(\text{Gene})\,\prod_{i=1}^{N} P(X_i \mid \text{Gene})
P(X_i \mid \text{Gene})


just once and separately measure 

P(X_{N+1} \mid \text{Gene})

Adding a new signal

just requires

P(X_i \mid \text{Gene})


shows how strongly feature


indicates a gene


When you want to rank or compare classes based on posterior probability, you can ignore the denominator

Biological sequences also have inherent dependencies that require more than Bayes' formula

Bayes’ Theorem allows us to integrate multiple independent signals
(e.g., GC-richness, codon bias) to update the probability that a region is a gene

However, DNA sequences also have a "sequential" aspect to them (e.g., promoters, ribosomal binding sites, etc.)

While effective for multiple independent features, the Bayesian approach doesn't account for the contextual dependencies between consecutive nucleotides or regions

Markov Models provide a framework to incorporate these sequential dependencies, allowing for more accurate and context-aware gene prediction

After today, you should have a better understanding of

The concept of Markov models and how they describe sequential dependencies

Many biological processes exhibit sequential dependencies that can be modeled using probability

What is a sequential dependency?

  • The future state of a system depends on its current state rather than its full history.

Markov models provide a way to quantify and predict these sequence patterns.

Examples in Biology:

  • DNA follows patterns where certain nucleotides are more likely to follow others.
  • Protein secondary structures depend on adjacent amino acids.

Markov Models are ideal for modeling sequential data with dependencies between consecutive elements

A Markov Model is a stochastic model that describes a sequence of possible events where the probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event.

Real-World Example:

  • If today is rainy, tomorrow is more likely to be rainy than sunny.
  • Tomorrow’s weather doesn’t depend on whether it was rainy three days ago.
P(X_{N+1} \mid X_{0}, X_{1}, \ldots, X_{N} ) = P(X_{N+1} \mid X_{N} )

A Markov Chain is a type of Markov Model that represents states and the probabilities of transitioning between them

Components of a Markov Chain:

  1. States: Distinct conditions (e.g., sunny, rainy, cloudy) that are observable.
  2. Transitions: Movements from one state to another (e.g., weather changing).
  3. Transition Probabilities: The likelihood of moving from one state to another.

Visual Representation:

  • States depicted as nodes.
  • Transitions shown as directed edges with associated probabilities.


If it's sunny today, it's 60% likely tomorrow will be sunny

If it's cloudy today, it's 50% likely tomorrow will be rainy

After today, you should have a better understanding of

The concept of Markov models and how they describe sequential dependencies

First order

A Markov model can predict the next nucleotide depending only on the current nucleotide

Transition Probabilities: P(A∣G)P(A | G)P(AG), P(T∣C)P(T | C)P(TC), etc.

  • Example: If a G is present, what is the probability the next base is A?

The likelihood of observing a nucleotide should depend on the preceding nucleotide

States: {A, C, G, T} – The four nucleotides.

















Transition matrices help quantify nucleotide dependencies in sequences

A 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2
C 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4
G 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.1
T 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4

Instead of a graph, we can represent this as a transition matrix


  • If the current base is G, the probability of transitioning to C is 0.1.
  • If the current base is A, there’s a 30% chance the next base is also A.



Example: Transition probabilities differ between coding and non-coding regions based on GC content

Genes (i.e., coding regions) generally have high GC content due to codon biases

Thus, we could assume that coding regions have higher P(GC) and P(C∣G)P(C | G)P(CG)

Non-coding regions would then have more random nucleotide distributions with less GC bias

A 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1
C 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2
G 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.1
T 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.2



A 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2
C 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4
G 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.1
T 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4



By comparing transition probabilities, we can classify a sequence as coding or non-coding

P(S | C) = P(s_1 | C) \prod_{i=2}^{n} P(s_i | s_{i-1}, C)
P(S | N) = P(s_1 | N) \prod_{i=2}^{n} P(s_i | s_{i-1}, N)

Step 1: Train two Markov models—one for coding DNA and one for non-coding DNA.

Step 2: Compute the probability of the observed sequence (S) if it's

Coding (C)

Non-coding (N)

Step 3: Assign the sequence to the model with the higher likelihood

P(S | C)
P(S | N)



If this sequence follows a C or N pattern, the probability will be higher

First-order Markov models classify sequences based on single nucleotide transitions, ignoring codon structure

Limited Context Awareness: FOMMs consider only the immediately preceding nucleotide, preventing them from capturing the inherent triplet codon structure of protein-coding sequences.

Frame-Shift Misclassification: Sequences that deviate from typical single-nucleotide transitions, such as those affected by insertions or deletions, may be incorrectly classified, leading to misidentification of coding regions.

Randomized Nucleotide Transitions: Since transitions occur between individual bases rather than codons, FOMMs do not distinguish between meaningful codon sequences and arbitrary base order.

After today, you should have a better understanding of

The concept of Markov models and how they describe sequential dependencies

Higher order

A higher-order Markov model (HOMM) improves gene prediction by modeling codon triplets

A k-th order Markov model considers k previous nucleotides when predicting the next k

A third-order Markov Model is codon-based

ATG 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1
CCT 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2
GTA 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.1
TTA 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.2



Transition probabilities reflect valid codon structures, ensuring a more biologically accurate model

Models capture statistical biases inherent in real genes, such as the rarity of stop codons within coding regions

(Not all of them)

HOMMs are inefficient due to comparing between N models

We can bake in the idea that the region (i.e., coding or non-coding) influences codon transitions directly into one model

P(S | C) = P(s_1 | C) \prod_{i=2}^{n} P(s_i | s_{i-1}, C)
P(S | N) = P(s_1 | N) \prod_{i=2}^{n} P(s_i | s_{i-1}, N)

Coding (C)

Non-coding (N)


After today, you should have a better understanding of

The structure and purpose of Hidden Markov Models (HMM) in gene prediction

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) solve the limitations of Markov models by introducing hidden states

Hidden States are biological states (e.g., coding vs. noncoding DNA) we are trying to determine

What we can still observe are k-mer transition probabilities in our genome

By directly including hidden states in our model, we can directly infer the optimal sequence of hidden states to explain our observed state transitions

HMMs consist of states, transition probabilities, emission probabilities, and initial probabilities


  • Hidden states: Coding vs. Non-coding DNA
  • Observable states: Codons

Transition Probabilities

  • Probability of moving from one hidden state to another.
  • Example: P(coding→noncoding)P(\text{coding} \to \text{noncoding})P(codingnoncoding).

Emission Probabilities

  • Probability of observing a nucleotide (A, C, G, T) in a given hidden state.
  • Example: P(A∣coding)P(\text{A} | \text{coding})P(Acoding), P(G∣noncoding)P(\text{G} | \text{noncoding})P(Gnoncoding).

After today, you should have a better understanding of

How to Predict Genes with an HMM

The Viterbi algorithm finds the most probable sequence of hidden states using dynamic programming

​​Instead of computing all possible paths, Viterbi keeps track of the best path so far.

The Viterbi algorithm finds the best possible sequence of hidden states that explains the observed sequence

It is essential for determining which nucleotides belong to a gene

This is called dynamic programming, and we will cover this topic next week!

The Viterbi algorithm uses dynamic programming to efficiently compute the best state sequence

Step 1: Define Components

  • States: Coding (C), Noncoding (N).
  • Observations: A, C, G, T (DNA bases).
  • Transition Probabilities: Probability of moving between states.
  • Emission Probabilities: Probability of observing a base in a state.

Step 2: Initialize Probabilities

  • Set initial probabilities for each state.

Step 4: Traceback

  • Once the table is filled, we trace back to find the most probable path.

Step 3: Fill in the Table

  • Compute probabilities step by step using previous best paths.

Before the next class, you should

Lecture 05A:

Sequence alignment -

Lecture 04B:

Gene prediction -



BIOSC 1540: L04B (Gene prediction)

By aalexmmaldonado

BIOSC 1540: L04B (Gene prediction)

  • 69