Alpha Tech


Currently doing

  • Scoring 100 in lighthouse performance audit
  • Triggering performance audits on every build to catch regressions
  • Deliver custom js build to each browser
  • Automatically remove all unused CSS from dependencies
  • Pre-generate, edge cache everything possible
  • Highly dynamic content returned from APIs with sub second cold start response times
  • Test final site on really cheap phone

To do

  • Remove client side 3rd party dependencies


Currently doing

  • FAAS server side code handles traffic spikes
  • All non API site content is generated on change and cached at edge nodes


Currently doing

  • triggering accessibility audit on every build
  • manual keyboard navigation testing
  • manual screenreader testing
  • publish reusable components


Currently doing

  • API endpoints are separate serverless functions
  • Frontend widgets are web components
  • javascript code is built as ES6 modules

To do

  • Build, publish more web components
  • Integrate all components into our style guide


Currently doing

  • HTML syntax linting
  • End to End tests review all pages on every build
  • Unit tests inside each published component
  • Performance and Accessibility audits catch regressions
  • Working in the open forces devs to be more conscious of commits
  • Conform to prettifier code standards
  • Pass veracode security audits

To do

  • More frequent code reviews
  • Automated visual regression testing
  • Add JS and CSS linting rules


By Aaron Hans


Current and planned technical steps

  • 202