genetic algorithm for lower atmospheric wind measurement
Template slide
- Provides information about surface temperature, weather, cloud cover, large scale weather pattern.
- Helps in predicting thunderstorms. Hence, necessary for planet exploration as it helps in keeping the spacecraft safe and helps in deciding the landing places in the future.
- Helps in forecasting weather. Thus, is important to disaster mitigation.
- Wind profiler, belonging to class of Doppler radars provides wind and temperature data.
- Signal power generated is a measure of wind speed.
Ground clutter and wind measurements are too close to be successfully resolved by conventional methods.
Current convenient methods give varying results depending on experimental conditions
genetic algorithms
A search heuristic that makes use of properties of natural evolution to find out optimal results for search queries and for optimization problems.
Observed signal regarded as sum of two signals.
- Cost function decided.
- Chromosomes are randomly populated
- Lowest cost chromosomes chosen for next generation of chromosomes.
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method and its lower bound,” Radio Sci., vol. 23, pp. 1013–1021, 1988.
[3]. E. E. Clothiaux et al., “A first-guess feature-based algorithm for
estimating wind speed in clear-air Doppler radar spectra,” J. Atomos.
Oceanic Technol., vol. 11, pp. 888–908, 1994.
Aarti K. Dwivedi
Ekta Yadav
genetic algorithm for lower atmospheric wind measurement
By aarti
genetic algorithm for lower atmospheric wind measurement
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