What is the internet

- and how do I get on it?

Let's see what Maria covered...

A webpage is often just a bunch of files

.html, .css, and .js etc..

You built "local"


Just 2 things missing

1. Hosting / Server
(a "house")

2. A domain name
(your address)

A server is just a different name for a computer that is always online

You can rent hosting:

Sweden: binero.se

...and a thousand others

Bonus: (Free!) Github and Dropbox

The domain name:




Common "TLD's"




Cool ".TLD's"













You can rent domain names:





$10 / year

The domain name points to your server

andersaberg.com -> "123.456.789.123"

listentothe.cloud -> ""

Let's recap

  1. You build a website locally
  2. You rent hosting (can be free!)
  3. Optional: You rent a domain name
  4. You upload your files to the server
  5. You point your domain name to the server.
  6. Profit!

Questions so far?

How do you collaborate?

How it used to be:

It was hard...

We got better:

Version Control


"How to undo when you f*ck up"

Introducing GitHub:

We can use GitHub for free hosting:



Let's Workshop!

Create a Github Account

Go to https://github.com

Create a "Repository"

Drag & Drop your files

Learn more:


What is the internet?

By abergs

What is the internet?

  • 310