Welcome to Uppsala.js

Saving a dane

or "How to detect malware, get scared and improve your JS security"

Disclaimer: I'm not a security expert.

Once upon a time...

"Unexpected token <"

"Can't find variable: webpackJsonp"

"Syntax error"

"null is not an object"

"_0x37f2x1[_0x86f3[70]][_0x86f3[69]] is not a function"

"Exception invoking info"

Technical Debt

Error handling, plan for the worst

Are we h4cked?

Are we h4cked?

No. Probably not.

Improving Security

  1. Victims browser was compromised
  2. Our source code is compromised
  3. We got MITM
  4. A dependency got compromised

Scan your dependencies

$ snyk test

$ npm audit

npm, .net, java, scala, php, python etc...

Lock down your site with CSP

Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'


<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self';">

Benefits of CSP

  • Browser feature - Makes XSS attacks a lot harder (almost 100%)
  • Whitelisting: In control of running code / make outbound requests
  • Force HTTPS on all resources
  • Helps Mixed-Content warnings when moving to HTTPS (perfect for CMS's)
  • ReportOnly: Test before you enforce

Making XSS harder

default-src 'self' cloud.caspeco.se cdn.caspeco.se

script-src cdn.raygun.io ... sha256-xxxxx

connect-src api.raygun.io ...

report-uri https://report-uri.com

Report (Only)

Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: default-src 'self'

Helping with HTTPS



When you can't transform urls to use relative protocol, e.g: "//mydomain.com"

http://foo.bar -> https://foo.bar

Final links

It's almost a silver bullet


What is a CSP?


Supported by all modern browsers


Great tooling: report-uri.com

Thanks for listening!

(We're hiring!)

anders@caspeco.se - @andersaberg


By abergs


  • 453