Does the cloud run 24x7?



*After every cloud outage*

(subtitle - "Hey you duped us")

*Before cloud outage*

*After every cloud outage*

cloud providers

‘‘Everything fails, all the time.”

– Werner Vogels



🥑 Developer Advocate @Yugabyte

🐍 Pythonista

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Community first person 💛

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👨‍💻 "❗10x Engineer"

Current Global Infrastructure



  • Regions are independent geographic locations:

    • eastus, northeurope, etc.

sample regions


  • Interconnected through a regional network (~latencies for Azure):

    • Oregon         North Virginia: 60ms

    • Oregon        London: 130ms

    • Oregon        Mumbai: 220ms

    • Oregon       Tokyo: 90ms

  • Comprised of three or more zones.


  • Zones are physically separate locations within a region:

    • GCP: us-west1-a, us-west1-b, etc

- Azure: us-west1 (Oregon) zones



  • Interconnected through a high-performance network:

    • Azure: round-trip network latency is under 2 milliseconds on the 95th percentile.

  • Usually, 3+ zones per region.

Local/Edge Zones:

  • Local/edge zones expand cloud infrastructure to densely populated metropolitan areas:

  • For applications requiring single digit millisecond latency for end users

    • Gaming, streaming, etc.

Azure Global Infra

With the Global Cloud Infrastructure 🌩️

Provide similar performance (experience) to users across the globe.

Comply with data residency requirements (GDPR)

Tolerate cloud failures including regional outage

Architect and build applications that 👇




Geo-Distributed Applications

Demo (blog)

For more:

12th & 13th Nov, 2022

Withstanding cloud outage

By Abhishek Mishra

Withstanding cloud outage

  • 629