Visitor Management System
Abhishek Sharma
Problem Statement
To create an entry management software that can handle check-in and check-out of visitors. Also, keep a record of visitors and their check-in and check-out time.
Application Description
- VMS stands for Visitor Management Software.
- It is a web application that helps event host/organiser to manage visitor's check-in and check-out.
- Event hosts can create multiple events using this application.
- This application is made using mobile-first approach.
In this application, the host needs to sign up for creating events.
During the signup process, the app makes sure that entered email,username, and mobile is not used by an existing host.
It also blocks the submission of forms with empty fields.
After signing up successfully, the host is notified by the application.
- Passwords are hashed using bcrpytJS, which is a JS library used for generating hashes.
- After signing up, host can login into his account.
- The login is authenticated using json web tokens.
- After successful login, the host is notified by the application.
- By filling event name and venue, host can easily create an event.
- Host can take a look at the list of events created by him at his homepage.
- By clicking visitors button present next to each event, host can take a look at the list of visitors checked-in a particular event with their information.
- Host can logout using logout button present in the navigation bar.
- Visitors can easily fill the visitor's form and provide their details.
- All these details are stored in mongoDB present on monogoDB Cloud.
- After filling the visitor's form, a message is displayed to the visitor with a welcome note.
- As soon as the visitor fills the form, an email and SMS is sent to the host.
- Email is sent using Twilio's Sendgrid Email API and SMS is sent using 2factor SMS API.
- These details informs the host about the visitor. It also contains the check-in time of the visitor.
- Host can also take a look at the list of visitors checked-in with their details.
- The picture on the right shows the visitor's list page for mobile and tablet versions.
- For desktops, this information is presented in the form of table.
- Host can check-out the visitor from his account.
- After checkout, a goodbye message is sent to the visitor through email.
- After checkout, the check out button is replaced by the check-out time of the visitor.
- The picture on right shows the email sent to the visitor.
Technologies Used
- Vue JS
- Node JS
- Bulma CSS
- MongoDB
Package Manager:
- npm
- Heroku (Backend)
- Netlify (Frontend)
- MongoDB Cloud
- Twilio Sendgrid API
- 2Factor SMS API
- GitHub
By Abhishek Sharma
- 34