Python Naming Conventions



  • Avoid using names that are too general or too long. Strike a good balance between the two.
  • Bad: data_structure, my_list, info_map, storing_vote_count_for_user_approach_link
  • Good: user_profile, vote_count, upsert_link



  • Modules/Packages names should be all lower case like reinforce
  • When multiple words are needed, an underscore should separate them like register_hook,  is_shared
  • It is usually preferable to stick to short names


  • Class names should follow the UpperCaseCamelCase convention like ContextMixin, TensorBase
  • Python’s built-in classes, however, are typically lowercase words
  • Exception classes should end in “Error like TypeError, ExampleError.


  • Constant names must be fully capitalized likes CACHES, SITES
  • Words in a constant name should be separated by an underscore like MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES, LANGUAGE_CODE

Python Naming Conventions

By Abhyuday Pratap Singh