Association for Computing Machinery

5th General Meeting
Mock Interviews
If you want some practices with Technical Interviews
Set up an appointment with Faiz for a Mock Interview!
Sign up here:
Led by Faiz Mirza
By appointments
NAO Robots
- Work together in a group to program functionality into the robot.
- The robot has a ton of sensors:
- Touch sensitivity on hands, head & fingers
- 2 microphones
- infrared sensors (for kinect-like sensing)
- Full actuators on nearly all limbs!

Joint program with IEEE
Led by Kash and Michael
Wednesdays 5:00 - 6:00pm WCH 202
Hack Nights
Collaborate and work on projects including:
Android/IOS, Web, Games, OS, etc...
Friday 5-7pm in WCH 127
Judging will take place the first week of next quarter. This way everyone has the Spring Break to be able to work on their project! Good luck everyone!
Note: Hack Night will not be in session for Week 10.
StarCraft Broodwar AI
Interested in designing AI? Learn through programming an AI for StarCraft!
- Program multiple AI's for different strategies and have them compete

Led by Kyle and Ben
Fridays 5:00 - 6:00pm WCH 135
Graduation Stoles
Are you a graduating senior?
Do you want a cool ACM graduation stole?
Then sign up here!!
Online Programming competition in April!
We will be hosting an event for online participation
Registration Ends April 6th
Competition on April 14th
LAN Party!
Bring your laptops and computers! We will also be reimaging some machines with Dota2, League of Legends, and TF2. Feel free to bring a mouse or keyboard.
We'll also have a few party games to play, like
Gang Beasts!
Pizza will be provided!
In the ACM Clubroom WCH226
Tomorrow at 7
T-Shirt Voting
Due Tomorrow 3PM!
The link is up on our Facebook page!
Tomorrow at 3:00PM we will announce the winning shirt, so be sure to vote before it's over!
Open Officer Meetings
Fridays 3:00 - 4:00pm
Want to be involved with ACM on an administrative level? Interested in becoming an officer for next year?
Speak with or email an ACM officer to be their +1 at our officer meetings. Here we discuss how events are going, what we need to improve on, and what we need to do to get events ready for the future.
Citrus Hack Committee
This Friday 4:00 - 5:00pm
Want to help plan the next Citrus Hack?
Come to the meeting this Friday to find out what you you can do to make Citrus Hack more awesome! :)
Contact Kevin Hsieh or Alberto Tam Yong for more information!
Giveaway Questions!
Name a program we've started this quarter!
Who is next year's president?
When is the deadline for
t-shirt voting?
Thank you for coming!!
Copy of Winter 2016 4th General Meeting
By acmucr
Copy of Winter 2016 4th General Meeting
- 1,578