What Is The Importance Of Proofreading, Editing, And Revising In Essay Writing?

There are several types of academic writing. Each narrative essay has its unique role to play for both teachers and the students. Undoubtedly, every student tries its level best to score top grades in a particular task of academic writing. However, a few students always struggle in achieving the desired grades despite following all the predefined rules related to essay writing. This article will highlight the reasons that will help the students score top-grades in essay writing.


Students often complain that even after learning and applying all the academic writing rules accordingly, they do not get the desired results. As a result, such students fret out and start contemplating academic writing a daunting affair. It is imperative to bring to your notice that academics is not a challenging task. All it demands is motivation, dedication, and hard work from students.  


Students need to understand that the minor mistakes put a big dent in a student's writing piece. Even incorrect use of full stops, commas, and punctuation marks can change the entire meaning. Usually, the students ignore the importance of minor elements related to writing rules. Consequently, doing so ruins writing as the whole effort of students.  

It is expedient to mention here that following the post writing measures is necessary for students. It is a fact that almost every writer makes typos or grammatical mistakes. It is not something to worry about. Instead, an essay writer must read the entire writing piece to remove the text's errors before submitting the assignment.

Making the text error-free seems a tedious job for some students. For this purpose, such students use softwares that looks forward to spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. It is imperative to bring to your notice that softwares are not highly trustworthy as they may not remove all kinds of mistakes. Therefore, a scribbler must manually remove the errors if it finds any mistake in the text.

Let's highlight the post writing elements so that the students can compose an error-free essay.



Mostly, the students at the initial stage of academic writing consider following the rule of proofreading a secondary job. The students think that proofreading is a time-consuming task. Thus, it must be followed only when there is extra time. However, it is entirely the wrong approach.

Proofreading urges the students to look forward to typos or grammatical mistakes. Normally, a writer makes spelling mistakes while creating a comprehensive narrative essay examples. To overcome such errors and to make the text error-free is the utmost responsibility of an author. For this purpose, a scribbler has to read the entire writing piece attentively.


It is another essential factor of post writing measures that students must follow once they are done composing a detailed writing piece. It is imperative to bring in the student's notice that appropriately structuring the sentences in an academic writing piece is essential. It makes the text engaging, readable, compelling, and presentable. Editing urges an essay composer to rewrite a sentence if it is not well-structured or organized.


If the author has to edit the entire paragraph, it must not hesitate to do so. Notably, the author must allocate time to apply the post writing measures before submitting a writing piece to its teacher.



It is the last but not least element of post writing measure. A writer has to read the entire content for the last time and look forward to spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, improper sentence structuring, inappropriate paragraphing. If there is any error left in the text, a writer has to make it correct. Revising is the last step of essay writing.

Students must understand that minor mistakes can ruin the whole writing effort of a scribbler. Therefore, following the post writing factors is imperative for all students.



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By Adam Clarke


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