
Let us predict your match...

Problems/Pain points we have identified

  • People don't always know which tradie they need
  • Users typically search or think in every-day language

1,300 categories!

Problems/Pain points we have identified

  • People don't always know which tradie they need
  • Users typically search or think in every-day language
  • Difficult for them to select the right category
  • Associating landing pages with relevant searches or key phrases is sub-optimal right now

Stats on how users find trades

SEM - keyword profile

  HI: Builders > AU
Impression share 21%
No. of keywords 830,951
Keywords with less than 5 clicks 93%

Overall impression share vs total keywords in account for builders only

48.6% of search terms got 1 visit in the last 90 days

Profile of SEO search terms


  • Allow users to easily describe what they need done through language that is familiar to them:

    • Better classified jobs

    • Better user experience when posting a job on hipages

    • Confidence that we have the right tradies for their job

  • Improved acquisition through better targeting of landing pages and association of organic search terms and SEM keywords


  • Let users describe in their own language what they need

  • Use NLP to identify the most relevant categories for the job


Category Oracle

We identify the most relevant categories


  • Build a classifier using machine learning
  • Already have 1 million categorised jobs to train the classifier
  • Consumers want to upload images to describe their jobs better
  • Use photos to better understand the job

  • Use image recognition to understand semantic meaning of job

And also...


Visual Oracle

Take a photo or upload a photo

We identify most relevant categories


  • CloudSight image recognition API

Enabler for...

  • Simplify job posting by using hashtags
  • Understand and target conversations on social media
  • Understand existing conversations on the platform
  • Create more targeted landing pages
  • Bruce's Drop a Job and Mr. Deng's CRO test


By adelaineho


  • 734