
The Carmen Sandiego of STEM.

Meet Rosa.



High school girls show interest

B.S. in STEM held by women

  • Doesn't consider it an option
  • Few visible STEM role models
  • Affected by gender stereotypes
  • Hates asking questions

 - Girl Scouts Org


  • Create and spotlight diverse role models
  • Destroy gender stereotypes
  • Encourage and reward asking questions
  • Teach STEM topics in a fun, engaging and stimulating way

Future Development


  • 5 challenges; win robot pieces
  • Meet diverse fictional/non-fictional role models
  • Age-based difficulty levels


  • 10-15 challenges
  • Assemble pieces to build robot and get it to Mars
  • Save the world with Ruby Neutrino

Market Niche

What next?

Sales proceeds for scholarships

Competitions for young women in STEM

Merchandise (stickers, clothing, stationery etc.)

Partner with related organizations


Rosa graduates with a Computer Science degree!

Finding Ruby Neutrino

By aditibhandari

Finding Ruby Neutrino

Team 10's presentation pitch deck for She Hacks Chi

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